Modifying Data in Excel

SOLIDWORKS Electrical lets you export electrical project data to Excel files. As these files are formatted for use by SOLIDWORKS Electrical, you need to take care when you edit them in Excel to ensure they will import back into SOLIDWORKS Electrical.

Hidden Columns and Rows

Column A contains IDs. These are the links with the database records.

Row 2 contains a special code used to link the data type with the database fields.

You cannot modify or delete this column and row.

Hidden Sheet

There is a hidden sheet named ew_headerthat contains specific data.

If you change or delete the links in this sheet, the import wizard cannot compare it with the existing electrical project data.

You cannot modify or delete this sheet.
In addition:
  • You can modify the data from column B and row 3.
  • You cannot:
    • Add a new row
    • Delete a column
    • Rename a column
    • Delete or rename a sheet