Understanding Manufacturer Parts

Manufacturer parts are managed within a catalog. You can add to this catalog to meet your needs. Every component managed within SOLIDWORKS Electrical can have one or more manufacturer parts associated with it. When a manufacturer part is associated with a component, the drawing is automatically updated, including the cross references and material terminal numbers on the symbols.

Option Description
Search Searches a manufacturer part in the library.
Create manufacturer part Creates a new manufacturer part and associates it to the element. The new manufacturer part is saved in the library.
Create Electrical assembly Creates a new electrical assembly and associates it with the element. The new electrical assembly can be saved in the library.
Delete Removes the selected manufacturer part associated with the element.
Properties Opens the properties of the selected manufacturer part.

Move Up

Move Down

Changes the order of the associated manufacturer parts.

If the element contains circuits (component), the following features appear in the dialog box.

Option Description
Edit Terminals Edits the material terminal of the selected circuit.
Add virtual circuits Adds a virtual circuit to the component.
Delete Virtual Circuit Deletes the selected virtual circuit.
Switch Symbol Ciruit Switches two identical circuits.
Dissociate Symbol Circuit Resets the circuit association.

Move Up

Move Down

Changes the order of the virtual circuits.