Numbering Group Properties

This topic explains the parameters in numbering groups.

Name Description
Number The numbering group number. You cannot change this number.
Description Description of the numbering group. You can add fields for additional languages.
Wire numbering options  
Numbering active When selected, applies numbers to wires automatically.
Start numbering at Defines the first wire number for the group.
Marks unique by Manages the level of uniqueness of the wire marks. If you select Electrical project, the counter takes effect across the entire electrical project. If you select Book, the counter restarts at the value of the Start numbering at parameter each time a change of book occurs. The first segment of an equipotential provides the location, in addition to other information, such as the origin component. If there is an origin component, the equipotential location is the location of the component, otherwise, it is the location in the drawing of the segment, or location outline if it starts in a location outline.
Calculation of multiple wires order number Defines the wire numbering mode for multiple wires in the group.
Different for each wire Assigns a different number for every wire conductor.
Common for the different wires Assigns the same number for all wire conductors. In this mode, you can add a prefix to the numbering formula to avoid all wire conductors having the same value.