Wire Style Properties

This topic explains the parameters in wire styles.

If you select a single wire or a conductor of a multiple wire, the dialog box displays the properties of this selected element. If you select several single wires, a multiple wire, or the conductors of a multiple wire, it displays the common properties of these elements.

Name Description
Wire style  
Name The name of the wire style.
Numbering group The numbering group that the wire is a part of.
Conductor The type of conductor. This can be a nonelectrical conductor.
Line color The color used as a visual representation of the wire. You can use the color picker to select a different color.
Line type The line style used as a visual representation of the wire.
Line width The line width used as a visual representation of the wire.
Equipotential formula The formula used for equipotential numbering.
Wire formula The formula used for wire numbering.
Propagate data When selected, the data associated with this wire style updates automatically.
Cabling This section is for the parameters used in wire routing. If you associate a cable reference, it updates these fields automatically. These settings apply to all wires of this type drawn in the schematic drawings.
Diameter The diameter of the wire.
Section or gauge The cross-sectional area of the wire.
Wire size standard The standard used in the electrical project.
Wire color The real color of the wire. You can use the color picker to select a different color.
Bend radius factor The value of the bend radius factor, used to calculate the bend radius. The manufacturer usually provides this value.
Bend radius (Bend radius factor x Diameter) The value automatically calculated using the bend radius factor and the diameter. You can change the value.
Linear mass Lets you specify a linear weight, or density, for wires with different units such as grams per meter (g/m) to distribute the weight of wire all along its length. You can use this value to calculate the center of gravity of a 3D assembly.
Cable reference Lets you associate the selected wire with a reference from an existing catalog.
Technical data  
Voltage The voltage rating of the wire.
Frequency The frequency of the wire
Description Lets you store a description of the wire. You can customize these fields.
User data Lets you store personal data to the wire. You can customize these fields.
Translatable data Lets you store specific user data that you can translate. You can customize these fields.