Specifying Drawing Parameters

You can group all settings specific to the current file that is a DWG file or a schematic drawing.

  1. Click View > Drawing options > Parameters or right-click the status bar.
  2. In the Drawing parameters dialog box, under Object snap-on modes, specify the following options:
    Option Description
    Activate object snap-on

    Activates or deactivates the use of specific points. You can also click OSNAP on the status bar or press F11.

    Each graphical entity has specific point that is used to edit or to place other entities. For example, a line has two endpoints and a midpoint, a circle has its center and four quadrant points.

    The green icon represents the marker form of each mode.

    Endpoint Snaps to the endpoint of a Line, Arc, or other entity. The mode does not differentiate between the start or endpoint of the entity.
    Middle point Snaps to the midpoint of a Line or an Arc.
    Center Snaps to the center of a Circle, Ellipse, or Arc.
    Node Snaps to a point entity, dimension definition point, or Dimension text origin.
    Quadrant Snaps to the nearest quadrant of a Circle or Arc. Quadrants refer to the points of a Circle or Arc on the circumference at 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°. These are the intersecting points of the axes of a coordinate system whose origin lies at the center of the Circle or Arc with the circumference of the Circle or Arc. Only the next visible quadrant of an Arc is snapped.
    Insert Snaps to the insertion point of a Block insertion, an attribute, or a Text entity.
    Perpendicular Requires that a start point is selected. Activating the Snap mode relates this point to the snapped point. For instance, select the endpoint for the perpendicular. The Perpendicular mode is activated. The result is a perpendicular Line from the endpoint to the selected entity.
    Tangent Requires that a start point is selected. Activating the Snap mode relates this point to the snapped point. For instance, to create a Line tangent to a Circle, select the endpoint for the tangent Line. The Tangent mode is activated. The result is a tangent Line from the endpoint to the chosen entity.
    Nearest Snaps to the next situated point of an entity when at least one point of the entity lies within the borders of the cursor. If you select a point without using Nearest mode, the selected point might not be on the required entity. This mode ensures that the entities share a point with the specified entity.
    Intersection Snaps to the intersection points of Lines, Arcs, and Circles, or any combination of them.
  3. In the Drawing parameters dialog box, under Drawing, specify the following options:
    Option Description
    Snap On (F9) Locks the cursor on the Snap spacing parameter, as a virtual grid. Do not confuse this option with the grid settings.
    Grid On (F7) Shows or hides the grid in the drawing.
    Ortho On (F8) Turns the ortho trap on or off. This fixes pointer movement on the X or Y axis.
    Line Weight Active (F10) Turns the line weight on or off. This shows or hides the various line thicknesses.
    Show wipeout frames Shows or hides the wipeout outlines.
    Snap spacing Defines the space between two virtual snap points.
    Grid spacing Defines the space between two grid points.
    Line type scale Lets you modify the line aspect based on the units used in the current file. Only complex line types (such as axes and discontinuous) are impacted by this parameter. A scale factor is used on them to enlarge or reduce spaces and lines.
    Measurement system Defines the unit system for measurement.
    Grid zone Defines the coordinates of the zone where the grid is displayed. You can also click the button to graphically define this zone.

    You can turn parameters such as Ortho and Grid on or off by clicking them in the status bar or using keyboard shortcuts.