Configuring Preferences

You can configure preferences.

  1. Click Tools > Interface configuration .
  2. In the Interface configuration dialog box, under Preferences tab, specify the following options:
    Option Description
    Selection mode By default, you need to press and hold the Ctrl key to select several entities. When this option is selected, you can select multiple entities without pressing the Ctrl key.
    Drawing unit system Sets the unit mode (to Imperial or Metric) used in the software for all files generated outside an electrical project.
    Dimension units Sets the unit that you want to use for dimensioning.
    Help Opens the local or the web help based on your selection.
    Open recent drawing when opening project SOLIDWORKS Electrical saves the last drawing that you used in the electrical project. When you reopen the electrical project, this drawing can reopen automatically. Select the option that you want from the list.
    Optimize project opening Lets you decrease the opening time of an electrical project. Two options are available to manage project opening. When you select Load all data when opening project all the electrical project data are loaded when you open the project. When you select Load data at the first usage, only the minimum amount of data is loaded when you open the project. Additional data are loaded when necessary. This decreases the opening time of an electrical project.
    Ask to remove translated text When this option is selected, if you change a description (available in the component properties or symbol properties, for example) in the main language, a dialog box opens to let you choose whether to delete the existing translations of this text.
    Send anonymous data Allows SOLIDWORKS Electrical to collect anonymous information to improve the software. The following are some of the types of data collected:
    • Type of installation (Client/server or standalone).
    • OS version.
    • Type of software: 2D, 3D, Excel add-in, DraftSight add-in.
    • Time when the application is starting.
    • Time when the application is closed.
    • Number of users connected to collaborative server.
    • Number of electrical projects.
    • Number of components, cables, wires, books, folders, pages in the electrical project.
    • Command started.
    Zoom to fit when opening drawing Zooms a drawing upon opening to fit it in the graphics area.
    Dismissed messages

    Lists the dialog boxes in which you have selected the option Do not show again. Select those that you want to open again.

  3. Click OK.