Configuring the 3D

You can define the settings required for the 3D.

  1. Click Tools > Application settings > 3D .
  2. Specify the following settings:
    Setting Description
    SOLIDWORKS 3D parts folder Click [...] and select the directories that contain the SOLIDWORKS files.
    Copy 3D parts to project When this option is active, all 3D models (those within SOLIDWORKS Electrical and those downloaded) are automatically copied to the electrical project directory.
    Rename components in component tree When this option is selected, SOLIDWORKS components are renamed according to the mark of the Electrical component associated with them.

    This option does not rename the file name on the disk. It renames the component in the SOLIDWORKS FeatureManager design tree.

    The new SOLIDWORKS Component name uses this format:

    Component Mark | Object ID

    For example, a SOLIDWORKS component might be renamed to X1|910, where X1 represents the component mark and 910 is the object ID of the SOLIDWORKS Electrical manufacturer ID in the SQL database.

    To ensure this option functions correctly, verify the following prerequisites:
    1. In System Options > External References, make sure the “Update component names when documents are replaced” option is cleared.
    2. In System Options > Feature Manager, ensure the “Allow component files to be renamed from Feature Manager tree” option is checked.
    Remove temporary routing files During the routing of wires and cables, SOLIDWORKS Electrical creates temporary .xml files, such as CableLibrary.xml and ComponentLibrary.xml to store routing information. These files are saved in the XMLFromTo folder within the electrical project directory. When selected, this option automatically deletes these temporary files after the routing process is completed.
    Exclude linked SOLIDWORKS assembly shortcut while duplicating a project Removes the link of the SOLIDWORKS assembly in a duplicated project to its original path. Clear the option to retain the link to the original path.
    Update configuration properties during part/assembly insertion and association When associating an electrical part with a 3D model, SOLIDWORKS Electrical automatically adds metadata to the configuration properties of the model. You do not have the option to select which metadata is added. This setting ensures that the configuration properties of the 3D model are updated with relevant information from the electrical part association.
    Reconnect sketch route automatically after moving a 3D part (may impact performance) SOLIDWORKS Electrical automatically reconnects the sketch route to the corresponding 3D part after the part has been moved to a new location. While this ensures that the sketch route remains properly aligned with the 3D model, keeping this option checked may impact performance, especially with large or complex assemblies.