Using Rights Management

SOLIDWORKS Electrical offers two modes of User Rights management. The first mode consists of locking configuration access and the second mode consists of using profiles with associated rights. These two features cannot be cumulated.


  1. Click Tools > Interface configuration .
  2. In the Interface configuration dialog box, under Rights management tab, specify one of the following options:
    Option Description
    Password protection
    This option is used to restrict user rights to define configuration parameters of the application and electrical projects by using a password.
    • Select Password required for configuration functions if you want to active the protected access feature for configurations (Application settings and electrical project configurations). A dialog box opens to enter a new password.
    • Click Change password to change the existing password. After entering the current password, enter a new one.
    • Click Delete password if you want to delete the password. This action will deactivate password protection. The password is required to delete it.

    To apply these actions, SOLIDWORKS Electrical must be restarted.

    User rights management

    This option allows you to manage user rights on certain features. A User belongs to a Group and a Group is associated with a Profile in which the rights are managed. A password is required to use the software.

    • Select User must log in to use the software to activate this feature. The first time, a dialog box opens to create the first User (Administrator), otherwise an Administrator password is required.
    • Click Edit your account to manage the user accounts. A password is required to access the User properties dialog box.
      • User name: The user's login (user name). This must be at least three characters long and unique.
      • Password: The user's password. This must be at least six characters long.
      • Password confirmation: Retype the password to confirm it.
      Group Group name: Select the group that the user will be associated with from the list. A group gives the user access to predefined features.
      General Set up the user's identity in this section. These values will be used in the Revision management and connected user commands. They will replace the values entered in the application settings.
      System This section displays data about when the user was created/modified.
    • Click Manage user rights to manage the Users and the Groups.
      New profile Allows you to create a new profile (Custom profile). The new profile receives the same rights as the selected profile.
      New group Select a profile (predefined or custom profile) and click this icon to create a new group. The name must be unique. The new group receives the same rights as the selected profile.
      New user Select the group to create the user in. The User properties dialog box opens, letting you create the user. User names must be unique. The new user receives the same rights as the selected group.
      Delete Select the element (Custom profile, group, or user) you want to delete and click the icon.
      Properties If you select a Group or a User profile and click this icon, you can change its name. If you select a user, the User properties dialog box opens.
      Up/Down Allows you to organize the custom user profiles.
      Show empty profiles Shows only the profiles without groups and users assigned.
      Feature grid Allows you to manage the list of the features you want to associate with a custom profile. For the other profiles (predefined), it displays the list of features associated with the group. You cannot change these associations.
    • Feature grid for user rights management.

      This interface displays the rights associated with each profile. For the Custom profile, by selecting/unselecting the boxes, you can manage the features you want to associate with it.

      New profile Allows you to create a new profile (Custom profile).
      Properties Only available on custom profiles, allows you to manage the profile name.
      Move left/Move right Allows you to organize the custom user profiles.
      Change feature status From a multiselection, this option allows you to select/unselect the features affected to a custom profile.
      Reset features Allows you to restore the default features for the selected custom profile.
      Show empty profiles Shows only the profiles without groups and users assigned.
      Export grid Allows you to export the grid content to a CVS file.
Warning: when you create a password, keep a back-up copy of the password. There is no way to retrieve a forgotten password.