Editing Symbol Attributes

You can add, delete, or edit the attributes associated with the symbol. This command accepts multiselections.

  1. Open the attributes dialog box using one of the following commands.
    • From a symbol, a terminal, a black box, or a 2d footprint context menu, click Attributes > Edit attributes .
    • Click Modify > Edit attributes .
    A dialog box opens showing the list of the existing attribute and the settings for each. The app manages all attributes that start with a # (pound sign). You can manage the attributes without a # (pound sign).
  2. Edit the properties of the attribute using the following reference information.
    Option Description
    Number The app manages the attribute index.
    Name The app manages #XXX attributes. You can only change user attribute names.
    Prompt Attribute descriptions are available only on the app attributes.
    Value The text (attribute value) displayed in the graphical area.
    Position X X coordinate of the attribute position.
    Position Y Y coordinate of the attribute position.
    Height Height of the text displayed in the graphical area.
    Text style Text style used to display the text in the graphical area.
    Invisible Allows you to show or hide the text.
    Color Color of the text displayed in the graphical area.
    Angle Orientation of the text.
    Justification Specifies the text justification that you want for the text.
    Oblique angle Creates italic text.
    Width factor Compresses the text width.
    Option Description
    New custom attribute Allows you to add a new attribute and modify its settings. The custom attribute in the list.
    New predefined attribute appears Allows you to add a new attribute managed by the app. The Attribute management dialog box opens allowing you to select the attributes to add and modify their settings. The new selected attribute appears in the list.
    Delete Deletes the selected attribute removing it from the graphics area.
    Symbols Lists the symbols the graphical area. If you select All, the modifications apply to all symbols. If you want to modify one symbol, select the symbol in the list.
  3. Click OK to apply the edits.
    The symbols are automatically updated with the attributes that you added, deleted, or changed.