Inserting Line Diagram Symbols

You can insert symbols into your line diagrams using the Symbol selector.

  1. Click Line diagram > Insert symbol .
    The selected symbol appears by default next time you use the command.
    A dockable panel displays.
    The command remains active after you insert a symbol.
    Ends the command after you position the symbol.
    Ends the command.
  2. Select the symbol to insert.
    The following options are available.
    Manual marks Opens the Symbol dialog box and the mark is displayed in manual mode.
    Ask for properties The mark is automatically calculated and applied according to the electrical project settings.
    Adjust size to drawing unit Allows you to manage unit dimension conflicts. For example, manages the insertion of an IEC symbol into a drawing using a title block with imperial units.
  3. Optional: Click Other symbol to open the Symbol selector and to insert another symbol.
  4. Click a point in the drawing to insert the symbol.
    Each line diagram symbol must have an outline allowing you to connect the cables. When inserting the symbol, the original outline is hidden and a new symbol is automatically drawn. This allows you to resize the outline. If you modify the symbol and update it in the line diagram drawings, the outline is not updated so that the connections are remembered.