Configuring Management Dialog Boxes

You can configure the Management dialog boxes.

  1. In the Symbol management, Title block management, 2D footprint management, or Macro management dialog box, click Configuration .
    The left side of the Configuration dialog box lets you select the columns that will display in List mode.
  2. Specify the Thumbnail options.
    Option Description
    Thumbnail size Enter the dimensions of the thumbnail.
    Space between 2 thumbnails Enter the width and height distances separating the thumbnails. The designation or name displayed on the thumbnail is displayed in this area. Plan for space above and below a list of thumbnails.
    Text under thumbnails Select the text type displayed.
    Display thumbnail Select Display thumbnail to hide the data properties.
  3. From the following menus, select to display content in either Thumbnail mode or List mode .
    • Symbol management
    • Title block management
    • 2D footprint management
    • Macro management
    Option Description
    Thumbnail mode Displays the data in a graphic form.
    List mode Displays the data in a list.
    • Right-click the column headers to select the columns.
    • Click a column header to sort the column.
    A context menu is available in both modes that provides various element features.
  4. Optional: Click Display sub-classes content to display the elements contained in the sublevels of the class.
    Elements generated in the library have criteria that classifies them (see the Classification tab on the left side). When you select a class in the tree structure list, the list on the right side is simplified to display only the elements corresponding to the selected class.
When editing an element to modify its graphics, you can leave the Management dialog box open or closed.