Searching Manufacturer Parts

You can search for a manufacturer part.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select Automatic Refresh: If you select this option, a list of manufacturer parts is displayed automatically.
    • Clear Automatic Refresh: If you clear this option, the list of manufacturer parts is only updated when you click Search.
    The Search dialog box has two tabs.
    • Classification: Displays manufacturer part classifications in tree form. The left side of the dialog box shows the manufacturer part classifications. The right side of the dialog box shows the manufacturer parts in the currently selected classification.
    • Filters: Filters the manufacturer parts list. All filter criteria are present in the manufacturer part properties. The right side of the dialog box shows the manufacturer parts corresponding to the selected criteria.
  2. Classification is the first search criteria. You can use the class of the object on which you want to assign a manufacturer part, the same base class, or all the classes.
    To change the default class, click ... and select the class, or the subclass you want. All the other criteria are those of the manufacturer part properties.
  3. Do any of the following:
    Option Description
    Manages the quantity that you want to add.
    Adds the selected manufacturer part.
    Replaces the previously allocated manufacturer part with the one selected in the list.
    Deletes all the manufacturer parts, which you have associated.
    Orders the manufacturer part.