Renumbering Marks

When modifications are made to the mark settings in the electrical project configuration, you need to update the marks for existing elements in the electrical project such as components or locations.

  1. Click Process > Renumber marks .
  2. Select the command scope.
    Option Description
    Whole Project Handles all the electrical project elements.
    Current Book Handles only elements contained in the current book (the book associated with the current scheme).
  3. Select the renumbering mode.
    Option Description
    Update Marks Renumbers the elements chosen in the Elements section, after modification of the marking formula. The order number is maintained and the manual marks are also maintained.
    Recalculate order numbers Renumbers the elements chosen in the Elements section. The order numbers are recalculated in relation to their position in the drawings and if you select Recalculate manual marks, the manual marks are also renumbered.
  4. Select the element types for renumbering.
  5. Optional: Click Mark configuration to open the mark settings.