Setting Up Stress Analysis To set up stress analysis on one or more components: Click Simulation Setup (MotionManager toolbar). In the graphics area, select a component on which to perform the stress analysis.The component is listed under Selection in the PropertyManager. Enter the Start Time and End Time for the analysis. To enter an isolated time value, enter the same value for Start Time and End Time. You can also select time values from the MotionManager timeline. Click Add Time.The time range is listed in the PropertyManager. Repeat Steps 3 - 4 to compute stress analysis on other time intervals. Click Advanced to modify the mesh density used in the stress analysis calculation for the selected part. Do one: Click OK to close the PropertyManager Click Keep Visible before clicking OK to set up stress analysis for other components. Parent topicStress Analysis for Motion Modifying the Stress Analysis Mesh Density Calculating Stress Analysis Results Displaying Stress Analysis Results Hiding Stress Analysis Results Deleting Stress Analysis Results Simulation Setup PropertyManager