Hole Wizard Positions PropertyManager

The Hole Wizard PropertyManager appears when you create a new Hole Wizard hole.

To open this PropertyManager:

Create a part, select a surface, and click Hole Wizard (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Hole > Wizard.

Two tabs appear:
  • Type (default). Sets the hole type parameters.
  • Positions. Locates the Hole Wizard holes on planar or nonplanar faces. Use dimensions, sketch tools, sketch snaps, and inference lines to position the hole centers.
You can switch between these tabs. For example, select the Positions tab and locate the holes, then select the Type tab and define the hole type, then select the Positions tab again to add more holes.
  • To add different hole types, add them as separate Hole Wizard features.
  • The available PropertyManager options depend on the hole type selected in Hole Specification.

Positioning Hole Wizard Holes

When you activate the Positions tab, the first sketch point and a shaded preview of the hole follow the pointer until you click to place the hole. As you move the pointer about the screen, you can take advantage of sketch snaps and inference lines to place the point precisely.

Under Hole Positions, you can click Existing 2D Sketch and select an existing 2D sketch to position and automatically create the holes at all endpoints, vertices, and points of the sketch geometry. You can select sketch entities like lines, rectangles, slots, and splines. Sketch Options specify the geometry used to automatically create the instances.

You can also use dimensions and other sketch tools to position the hole centers. You can consecutively place multiple holes of the same type. The Hole Wizard creates 2D sketches for holes unless you select a nonplanar face or click 3D Sketch.

When you position slots, if you add a centerline sketch to the geometry while in the Positions tab and use that sketch to position the slot, the slot resizes to the length of the centerline.
To rotate slots by 90°, press the Tab key.

Deleting Hole Wizard Features

Hole Wizard features contain two sketches. The first sketch is the hole position sketch and the second sketch is the hole profile sketch.

When you delete a Hole Wizard feature, you can retain the hole position sketch. In the Confirm Delete dialog box, clear the Delete absorbed features option to delete only the hole profile sketch and keep the hole position sketch.

To delete the hole position sketch, select Delete absorbed features.

Positions Tab PropertyManager Options

Specify these options.

Hole Positions

Guides you to position the holes.
Existing 2D Sketch Lets you select an existing 2D sketch to position and automatically create the holes at all endpoints, vertices, and points of the sketch geometry. You can select sketch entities like lines, rectangles, slots, and splines.

Sketch Options specify the geometry used to automatically create the instances.

3D Sketch Creates holes on multiple faces.

Instances to Skip

Instances to Skip Skips the instances that you select in the graphics area. The pointer changes to when you hover over each instance. The coordinates of the instance appear. Click to skip the instance. To restore a skipped instance, click it again.

Sketch Options

If you select Existing 2D Sketch under Hole Positions, use these options to automatically position holes at all endpoints, vertices, or points of the sketch and construction geometry.

Create instances on sketch geometry (Enabled by default)

Positions holes at all endpoints, vertices, and points of the sketch geometry.

Create instances on construction geometry (Available if you select Create instances on sketch geometry)

Positions holes at all endpoints, vertices, and points of the construction geometry.