Rename Document, Replace Document, or Move Document Dialog Box

To access the Rename Document, Replace Document, or Move Document dialog box:

  • In File Explorer on Windows 10 or in the SOLIDWORKS Task Pane File Explorer, right-click a SOLIDWORKS file and select a SOLIDWORKS file utility .
  • In File Explorer on Windows 11, right-click a SOLIDWORKS file and click Show More Options > SOLIDWORKS and select a SOLIDWORKS file utility.

Option Description
Path Displays the full path and name of the selected document.
Name Displays the name of the selected document.
Rename To, Replace With, or Move To Enter one of the following:
  • The new name for the selected document.
  • The name of the document to replace the selected document.
  • The folder name to move the document to.
Click Browse to select the file to replace the selected document or the folder to move the document to.
Update where used Generates a list of all documents that reference the document that you are renaming or replacing.
Include virtual components Includes virtual components in the list generated by Update where used. Because scanning for virtual components affects performance, select this option only if virtual components might reference the file you are renaming or replacing.

Where Used

Lists all the places where a specified part or assembly is used.

Option Description
File Locations Lets you add the folder paths to search for Where Used files.
Where Used Displays the search results based on the folders added in File Locations.
Total Found Displays the total number of files found.