You can convert 2D sketches into 3D models.
The 2D sketch can be an imported drawing, or it can be a sketch constructed in SOLIDWORKS. In either case, it must be a single sketch in a part document.
Even though the sketch can be an imported drawing, it must be imported into a sketch in a part document. You can copy and paste the drawing from a drawing document, or you can import the drawing directly into a 2D sketch in a part document.
The conversion procedure is generally as follows:
- In a part document, import a drawing into a sketch or construct a new sketch.
- Edit the sketch.
- Extract sketches for views from the Front, Top, and so on. The sketches fold up into the appropriate orientation.
- Align the sketches.
- Extrude the base feature.
- Cut or extrude other features.
The tools for the conversion process are on the 2D to 3D Toolbar.