Display Pane

In the Display Pane, you can view various display settings in part and drawing documents. In assemblies and parts, you can also apply changes to the settings.

To open the Display Pane, click at the top of the FeatureManager design tree.

3DEXPERIENCE users click at the top of the FeatureManager design tree, then click the Show Display Pane tab to access the Display Pane.

In part documents, the display settings you can view include:
Display Setting Icon Comments
Hide/Show Indicates the body is hidden. You can also hide or show sketches or planes. The icon is blank if the component is shown.
Appearances For part bodies, indicates the color of the appearance applied at the part level.
  For part bodies, indicates the color of the appearance applied at the assembly level.
Transparency For part, bodies and features. Indicates that transparency has been applied in the Appearances PropertyManager, or blank if no transparency has been applied.
Appearance callouts display the appearances of faces, features, bodies, and the part and are a shortcut to editing appearances.
For drawing views and bodies, the display settings you can view include:
Display Setting Icon Comments
Hide/Show Indicates the drawing view is hidden. The icon is blank if the drawing view is shown.
Display Mode Wireframe
Hidden Lines Visible
Hidden Lines Removed
Shaded With Edges