- Features Toolbar
The Features toolbar provides tools for creating model features. The set of features icons is very extensive so not all of them are included on the default Features toolbar.
- Parent and Child Relations
Features are normally built upon other existing features. For example, you create a base extrude feature and then create additional features such as a boss or cut extrude. The original base extrude is the parent feature; the boss or cut extrude is a child feature. The existence of a child feature depends on the parent.
- Parent/Child Relationships Dialog Box
You can display the parents and children of a selected feature, sketch, axis, plane, curve, or surface.
- Using Cutting Tools
You can use features to cut a solid model. The model can be a single part or a multibody part.
- Legacy Features and the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform
When you open SOLIDWORKS models that contain non-C2 continuous features, you can keep the legacy features or upgrade them to the latest version.
- SelectionManager Overview
The SelectionManager combines and replaces contour and smart selection while offering enhanced selection capability
- Selecting a Feature Based on Number of Sides
Best practice guidelines recommend you consider the number of sides when deciding the type of feature to create, one of a fill feature, boundary, loft, or sweep.
- FeatureXpert
The FeatureXpert, powered by SOLIDWORKS Intelligent Feature Technology (SWIFT™), manages fillet and draft features for you so you can concentrate on your design.
- End Condition Types
The Type determines how far the feature extends.
- Feature Freeze
You can freeze features to exclude them from rebuilds of the model.
- Missing Reference Ghosting
When an entity used as a reference in a feature is missing, a ghost of the missing reference appears in the graphics area, and a warning message appears in the PropertyManager. Ghosting is supported for parts and assemblies.
- 3D Textures
You can use 3D textures to transform textural appearances on parts into 3D geometry. You can use the resulting graphics body for manufacturing, especially 3D printing, or you can manipulate the geometry further by converting it into a mesh BREP body.
- Boundary
Boundary tools produces very high quality, accurate features useful for creating complex shapes for markets focused on consumer product design, medical, aerospace, and molds.
- Chamfers
The chamfer tool creates a beveled feature on selected edges, faces, or a vertex.
- Curves
- Cuts
A cut is a feature that removes material from a part or an assembly.
- Deforms
Use the deform feature to alter shapes of complex surface or solid models, either in a local area or globally, without concern for the sketches or feature constraints used to create the models.
- Dome
- Drafts
Draft tapers faces using a specified angle to selected faces in the model.
- Extrudes
- Fastenings
- FeatureWorks
- Fillets
- Flexes
- Freeforms
The freeform feature modifies faces of surface or solid bodies. You can modify only one face at a time and the face can have any number of sides. Designers have direct, interactive control of deformations by creating control curves and control points, then pushing and pulling the control points to modify the face. Use the triad to constrain the push or pull direction.
- Holes
You can create various types of hole features in a model. You place a hole and set a depth on a planar face. You can specify its location by dimensioning it afterward.
- Indents
- Library Features
A library feature is a frequently used feature, or combination of features, that you create once and then save in a library for future use. Most feature types are supported, some with certain limitations.
- Lofts
Loft creates a feature by making transitions between profiles. A loft can be a base, boss, cut, or surface.
- Make Multibody Parts
The Make Multibody Part
tool converts an entire assembly into a separate, single multibody part that is linked to the parent assembly. The multibody part reflects all the assembly features that you create in the parent assembly. Features that you create on the multibody part will not be reflected in the parent assembly. You can perform post-assembly operations on the multibody part, such as material removal, and these appear in downstream platform applications.
- Patterns and Mirroring
Pattern repeats the selected features in an array based on a seed feature. You can create a linear pattern, a circular pattern, a curve driven pattern, a fill pattern, or use sketch points or table coordinates to create the pattern.
- Revolves
Revolves add or remove material by revolving one or more profiles around a centerline. You can create revolved boss/bases, revolved cuts, or revolved surfaces. The revolve feature can be a solid, a thin feature, or a surface.
- Ribs
Rib is a special type of extruded feature created from open or closed sketched contours. It adds material of a specified thickness in a specified direction between the contour and an existing part. You can create a rib using single or multiple sketches. You can also create rib features with draft, or select a reference contour to draft.
- Scales
You can scale a part or surface model about its centroid, the model origin, or a coordinate system.
- Shells
The shell tool hollows out a part, leaves open the faces you select, and creates thin-walled features on the remaining faces.
- Studs
- Surfaces
Surfaces are a type of geometry that can be used to create solid features. Surface tools are available on the Surfaces toolbar.
- Sweeps
Sweep creates a base, boss, cut, or surface by moving a profile (section) along a path. A sweep can be simple or complex.
- Thicken
Creates a solid feature by thickening one or more adjacent surfaces.
- Thread
You can create helical threads on cylindrical edges or faces using profile sketches and store custom thread profiles as library features.
- Wrap
You can choose between two methods to create a wrap feature.
- Tools for Features