- Hiding and Showing Views
You can hide an entire view while working on a drawing. Once hidden, you can display that view again.
- Hiding and Showing Edges
You can hide or show edges in high quality (not draft quality) drawing views.
- Hide/Show Edges PropertyManager
Use the Hide/Show Edges PropertyManager to control edge display in drawings, including tangent edge display.
- Hiding and Showing Sketches
You can show and hide model sketches in drawings.
- Show Hidden Edges
You can show all the hidden lines of selected features and components in drawing documents. You can hide or show edges in high quality (not draft quality) drawing views.
- Hide/Show Components
You can hide or show components in an assembly drawing.
- Hide Behind Plane
You can hide several components at once using a plane and a direction to determine what should be seen. This procedure is a quick selection method for Hide/Show Components.
- Hide/Show Bodies
You can hide a body in a drawing view without affecting its display in other views.