Missing images are indicated in the DisplayManager with a icon. You can search for the image or ignore it. During rendering, you are prompted to resolve the path or ignore it.
Search Order
To resolve a file reference, the system searches the following locations in this order:
- The path specified in the appearance, decal, or scene PropertyManager and saved in the model.
- The folder containing the current model, or for assemblies, the folder containing the part to which the appearance is applied.
- The list of Folders specified in , in the order listed.
- If not found, the system prompts you to browse for a path.
Handling Missing Images
When an image is missing, an
icon appears next to the item's name in the DisplayManager. In the graphics area:
For a missing appearance, the area to which the appearance is applied appears black.
- A missing scene, decal, or decal mask is not displayed.
To resolve a missing image, in the DisplayManager, right-click the entity with a missing image and click one of the following:
Find Missing File to browse for the image
- Ignore Missing File to prevent further searches for the image.
Resolving Missing Images During Rendering
When you render immediately, either by performing a preview or final render, you are prompted to locate missing files. Click Yes to browse for the file or a replacement. Click No to ignore the missing file.
For batch rendering, all missing file references are temporarily set to Ignore Missing File.