Scenes and their lighting schemes are closely connected.
Sources of Scene Lighting
Lighting in SOLIDWORKS scenes comes from ambient and directional
lights. The scene environment is an HDR (High Dynamic Range) image that surrounds
the scene spherically, creating realistic and reflections.
Scene lighting is visible in SOLIDWORKS OpenGL graphics and RealView.
Light type is ambient, point, spot, and directional lights and sunlight.
When you apply a new scene, ambient and directional lights
automatically update in the SOLIDWORKS lights. Each point, spot, and directional
light appear in SOLIDWORKS Lights
Editing Lighting
You can add spot, point, and directional lights and sunlight to the
SOLIDWORKS lights. When you add a light, it is on by default in SOLIDWORKS
Saving a Scene
When you save a scene, all applied point, spot, and directional
lights are saved as part of the scene. When you apply a new scene, all lights are
replaced with the lighting scheme of the new scene. You can override these rules by
selecting the lighting option Keep light when scene
changes, available in the PropertyManagers for directional, point,
and spot lights.
The default scene, 3 Point Faded does
not have lights associated with it. If you select another scene and then select
the default scene, the lights from the previous scene appear for the default
For example, the default scene has 4 lights in the Lights folder. You select the Ambient Only scene and then select 3
Point Faded. Now, the Lights folder lists only an ambient light.