can browse recent documents, specify options before you open a document, and drag recent
documents into other documents.
To browse recent documents:
or press R to open the
Welcome dialog box.
If there are no open documents, click

Highlight a document tile. Hover over the tile to see
document information such as location and date modified, and click
to see more options and
3DEXPERIENCE Users: The cloud icon

below document
images indicates that the document is saved to the
3DEXPERIENCE platform.

To open a document:
Option |
Description |
Press Enter, Ctrl, or
Space |
Opens the highlighted document by using the
keyboard. |
Click the document |
Opens the document under the pointer. |
Hover over a document, and click Expand
Opens the File Open dialog box
where you can specify options. Click Open or Open
Read-only to open the document. |
The dialog box closes and the document appears in the graphics area.
You can drag a recent document tile into:
- An open part to create a derived part.
- An assembly to insert the component.
- A drawing to create a view of the model.
- An empty graphics area to open the file.
- File Explorer to copy the file to that
To close the dialog box without opening a document, click outside
the dialog box or press Esc.