Dimensions Sketches are displayed in various states. To fully define the sketch, you add relations and apply dimensions using the Smart Dimension tool (Dimensions/Relations toolbar). The types of sketch entities can also affect dimensioning functions. Contents Dimensioning a 2D Sketch You dimension 2D or 3D sketch entities with the Smart Dimension tool. You can drag or delete a dimension while the Smart Dimension tool is active. Previewing Sketch Dimensions You can preview sketch dimensions when you select a sketch entity. Modifying a 2D Sketch Dimension with Instant2D You can use Instant2D to dynamically manipulate sketch dimensions in sketch mode. You can click a dimension and quickly edit its values without opening the Modify Dimension dialog box for resetting the geometry. Maintaining Proportions in a Sketch Profile When you specify the first dimension in a sketch for parts or assemblies, all entities in the sketch profile automatically scale uniformly based on the dimension. Creating Horizontal Dimensions You can specify a horizontal dimension between two entities. The horizontal direction is defined by the orientation of the current sketch. Creating Vertical Dimensions You can create a vertical dimension between two points. The vertical direction is defined by the orientation of the current sketch. Locking Dimensions Angular Dimensions Creating Circular Dimensions Creating Arc Dimensions You can dimension the true length of the arc. Creating Path Length Dimensions You can set a path length dimension to a chain of sketch entities. You can set the dimension to be a driving dimension, so that when you drag the entities, the path length resizes consistently. Creating Dimensions Between Two Points You can place a horizontal, vertical, or linear dimension between two sketch points, sketch segment endpoints, or model vertices. You can also use the model origin as a point. Formatting Dimensions in Parts and Sketches You can change the appearance of dimensions in parts and sketches. Inserting Driven Dimensions You can insert driven (reference) dimensions when creating sketch entities. This is helpful if you want to switch between inserting driving and driven dimensions. Setting Multiple Dimensions to Driven Dimensions between Arcs or Circles By default, distances are measured to the center of an arc or circle. Dimensioning Two Points of the Same Arc You can add a dimension where both ends are on the same arc, such as in the case of radii and holes where it is necessary to dimension both quadrants or the center and a quadrant. Displaying Dimensions You can use Add Dimension to display dimensions when creating sketch entities. Using Centerlines to Create Radial and Diametric Dimensions You can create multiple radial or diametric dimensions without selecting the centerline each time. This type of dimensioning is helpful when you create sketches for revolved geometry that require several diameter dimensions. Controlling Dimensions with the Context Toolbar Sketch Geometry Status Sketches include a status, and sketch entities within the sketch include a state. Sketch entity states are displayed in different colors to facilitate identification. Sketch Status Conventions Sketches can be in any of five states described below. The state of the sketch is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the SOLIDWORKS window. Resolving Over Defined Sketches Fully Defined Sketches The Fully Define Sketch tool calculates which dimensions and relations are required to fully define under defined sketches or selected sketch entities. Override Dims on Drag/Move You can override dimensions by dragging sketch entities. The sketch dimensions update at the end of the drag. They remain driving dimensions and update in the part, assembly, and drawing. Creating Zero and Negative Value Dimensions You can specify zero and negative values for sketch dimensions. This is helpful when you want to flip an entity's sense of direction. Displaying a Ghost Image of a Missing Sketch Entity If the reference for a sketch relation or dimension is missing, you can display a ghost image of that missing reference by hovering over or selecting the dangling relation or dimension. Parent topicDimensions and Relations Sketch Status Conventions Sketch Relations Overview Dimensioning a 2D Sketch Dimensions in 3D Sketches Creating Arc Dimensions Angular Dimensions Creating Circular Dimensions Dimensions between Arcs or Circles Dimensioning to Spline Handles Creating Dimensions Between Two Points SketchXpert Sketch Options Creating Vertical Dimensions Locking Dimensions