The Tab and Slot feature creates tabs on one body
and slots (holes) on another body to interlock the two bodies. You can specify how the tabs
and slots look and how they are distributed along the selected
Tabs and slots make it easier to weld parts together and minimize the
requirement to build complicated fixtures because you can interlock several sheet metal
parts. This feature is available in all parts, not just sheet metal parts. You can use
it in single bodies, multibodies, and parts in the context of an assembly.
Edges and faces must correspond to each other - when you select an edge
for the tabs, you must select a matching face for the slots. The edges must be linear,
the faces can be planar or cylindrical, but the edges and faces do not have to touch. If
the faces are cylindrical, there can be only one body. Multiple bodies are
Tab and
Slot feature |
Enlarged image |