Making Paths To create a path: Sketch a model to represent a cam and another model to represent a follower. Cam Follower Make each sketch a block, and position the cam below the follower. Although not required, making the sketches blocks provides more control of the sketches. Select an arc on the cam and click Make Path (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Make Path . In the Path Properties PropertyManager, under Definition, click Edit Path. Add the remaining sketch entities that form the chain for Selected Entities, then click . Click Add Relation (Dimensions/Relations toolbar) or Tools > Relations > Add : Add relations to the cam and follower to prevent motion that is extraneous to the intended motion between cam and follower. Relations added: Horizontal Vertical between midpoint (horizontal sketch entity and arc center) Fix center of bottom arc Add a Tangent relation between the top arc of the cam and the bottom sketch entity of the follower. Click . Rotate the cam to preview the motion.Video: Simple Cam Follower Parent topicMake Path Path PropertyManager Path Properties PropertyManager