You can insert several components at a time at the same location. You can
instances of the group of components without closing the PropertyManager.
To insert several components at once:
Do one of the following to open the PropertyManager:
- Create a new assembly document by clicking New
(Standard toolbar) or .
- In an existing assembly, click Insert Components
(Assembly toolbar) or .
Previously saved documents that are currently open appear under
Part/Assembly to Insert.

to pin the PropertyManager if you want to insert multiple instances of the group of components without having to re-open the PropertyManager.
- Under Part/Assembly to Insert, do one of the following:
- Ctrl + select several components from the list.
- Click Browse. In the dialog box, Ctrl + select several components and then click Open.
When you open the Insert
Components PropertyManager and no components are available
under Open documents, a
dialog box opens automatically so that you can browse for components to
insert. This occurs if you selected Automatic
Browse when creating new assembly in the
In the graphics area, a preview of the first component is attached to

- In the graphics area, double-click where you want to place the components.
- If you double-click the origin, all the components are inserted at the assembly
origin. The origin of each component is coincident with the assembly
origin, and the planes of each component are aligned with the planes of
the assembly. In the FeatureManager design tree, (f) beside each component indicates that
the component locations are

- If you double-click somewhere other than the origin, the components are placed
near that location but not overlapping. The planes of each component are
parallel with the planes of the assembly. The origins are not
coincident. If the assembly was empty, then the first component is fixed
and the others are floating. Otherwise, all components are

If the PropertyManager is not pinned, it closes.
If the PropertyManager is pinned, you can double-click again in the graphics area to place another instance of the components.