Selecting Facets to Decimate

To select facets to decimate:

  1. Open a graphics mesh file.
  2. Click Insert > Mesh > Decimate Mesh .
  3. Do one of the following:
    • In the graphics area, click the graphics mesh body.
    • In the PropertyManager, under Selections, click Paint Select Facets .

      Drag the pointer and select the facets. In the Paint Select Facets dialog box, you can adjust the radius of the selection circle by moving the slider or clicking the Up and Down arrows. Click to return to the Decimate Mesh Body PropertyManager.

    • In the graphics area, zoom to an area of the graphics mesh body, right-click, and select Tangent Select Facets .

      Select one or more facets in the body as seed facets. In the Tangent Select Facets dialog box, you can adjust the number of facets selected by changing the Angle Tolerance and the Adjacency Limit.

      You can adjust the Angle Tolerance by moving the slider or clicking the Up and Down arrows. A facet is included in a facet group only if the angle between its normal and the normal of a seed facet is less than or equal to the angle tolerance.

      If you click Adjacency Limit, only facets within the specified number from the seed facet are included in the facet group. For example, if you specify 5, the tool only selects facets within 5 facets of the seed facet.

      Click to return to the Decimate Mesh Body PropertyManager.

    You can select multiple facet groups in the same graphics mesh body using Paint Select Facets and Tangent Select Facets.