Models - Texture Mapping Subtab

You can map textures on the selected model, group, or part.


Options depend on selected Mode.

UV Uses UV coordinates present on the part for mapping. UV coordinates are retained during import for most CAD formats that support UV mapping.
Box Uses a box projection.

Manipulate Texture

Fit to Part

Set to World Scale

Planar Projects a flat texture plane normal to the X, Y, or Z-axis.

Planar X

Planar Y

Planar Z

Manipulate Texture

Fit to Part

Set to World Scale

Spherical Warps the texture image into a spherical shape and projects it onto a surface.
Radial Projects the texture as a circular plane, like a circular version of Planar mode.
Cylindrical Projects the texture as a cylinder standing up (Y-direction).
Perspective Maps the texture from the current camera angle so that it maps perfectly, but only from the current camera.

Manipulate Texture

Fit to View


Provides parameters for numerically translating, rotating, and scaling the texture.

Not available for UV mode and Perspective mode.

Position XYZ Translates the selected item in 3D space.
Rotation XYZ Rotates the selected item in 3D space.
Scale XYZ Scales the selected item by axis in 3D space.
Scale All Scales the selected item proportionally in 3D space.