Change State |
Changes the workflow state. Workflow states represent where the file is in the design and approval process, such as Under Editing, Waiting for Approval, or Approved. |
Check In |
Checks in files after editing to make them available to users with appropriate rights. Until you check in a file, changes are saved in your local version only. |
Check Out |
Checks out a file to give you the exclusive right to edit it until you check it back in. Other users can open the file for viewing and copying but cannot change it. |
Undo Check Out |
Cancels a checkout without saving changes. |
Get Latest Version |
Changes the version of a file in your local cache to the latest available version. |
Get Version |
Changes the version of a file in your local cache to another version you select. |
Search |
(Always available, even if no files are open in SOLIDWORKS Visualize.) Searches for files and folders and for other data such as users and items. |
Select in Windows Explorer |
(Available if you open a project, whether from the PDM vault or another location.) Opens Windows Explorer to the folder that contains the file and selects the file. |
Show Card |
Opens the SOLIDWORKS PDM data card for the document you are viewing. |
Local Version |
Displays version information for the document in the local cache. |
Local Revision |
Displays revision information for the document in the local cache. |
Checked Out By |
Displays the name of the user who has checked out the file. |
Checked Out In |
Displays the location (system name and path) where the user checked out the file. |
Workflow State |
Displays the current state of the document as defined in the SOLIDWORKS PDM workflow. |