Hole Wizard

Sketching with the Hole Wizard is enhanced when you use the Positions tab of the PropertyManager.

Under Hole Positions, you can click Existing 2D Sketch and select an existing 2D sketch to position and automatically create the holes at all endpoints, vertices, and points of the sketch geometry. You can select sketch entities like lines, rectangles, slots, and splines. Sketch Options specify the geometry used to automatically create the instances.

Under Sketch Options, there are two options:
  • Create instances on sketch geometry (Enabled by default). Positions holes at all endpoints, vertices, and points of the sketch geometry.
  • Create instances on construction geometry. Positions holes at all endpoints, vertices, and points of the construction geometry.

You can skip hole instances. Under Instances to Skip , select hole instances to skip in the graphics area.

When you delete a Hole Wizard feature, you can retain the hole position sketch. In the Confirm Delete dialog box, clear the Delete absorbed features option to delete only the hole profile sketch and keep the hole position sketch. To delete the hole position sketch, select Delete absorbed features.