Performance Enhancements

Several feature enhancements improve the performance and accuracy of simulation studies.

  • Results from studies with remote displacements or remote rotations that are applied to large faces with the Distributed connection are more accurate.

    The solution time for these studies is shorter with the Intel Direct Sparse solver. In previous releases, when the number of coupling nodes was very large, only a subset of the coupling nodes participated in the distributed coupling constraints. In SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2024, the distributed coupling constraints for remote displacements or remote rotations include all coupling nodes.

    The image illustrates the performance gain of the Intel Direct Sparse solver for a model that has a remote displacement applied with distributed coupling to approximately 29,600 coupling nodes.

    The solution time with the FFEPlus iterative solver for similar studies is not faster in SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2024. However, the stress results are more accurate because all coupling nodes are considered in the distributed coupling formulation.
  • Running larger linear dynamic studies is more efficient. The stress calculation of larger linear dynamic studies is optimized because of improved memory allocation by the solver.
  • Improved memory estimate, allocation, and management by the solver allows the completion of large surface-to-surface bonded interaction sets that previously failed because of insufficient memory. This improvement applies to the SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional and SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium licenses.​​​​​​​
  • The total solution time for most static and thermal studies solved with the Intel Direct Sparse solver is reduced by more than 10%. Updating the Intel Direct Sparse solver with the new Intel MKL libraries and using parallel reordering with the variable block sparse row (VBSR) format improved the solver's performance.