Adding Custom Columns to the Where Used Tab

You can define custom field columns on the Where Used tab. This displays the custom field information with the standard system fields.

To add custom columns to the Where Used tab:

  1. Log in to the SOLIDWORKS Manage desktop client as an administrator.
  2. Open the property card for a record in the object to which you want to add a custom column.
  3. Select the Where Used tab.
  4. Select the BOM tab.
  5. Click (Where Used toolbar).
  6. In the Custom Fields dialog box, click New.
  7. In the Field Properties dialog box, enter a Display Name.
  8. Click Type and select a data type.
  9. Click a cell in the Field column of the required object and select a field to display.
  10. Repeat the previous step for required objects to get field values from.
  11. Click Save and Close.
  12. Add additional custom fields as required.