Create Model and Sheet Views Example (VB.NET)
This example shows how to create:
- model named view with a
gradient background.
- model named view without a
- sheet named view.
' 1. Create a VB.NET Windows console project.
' 2. Copy and paste this project into the VB.NET IDE.
' 3. Open the Immediate window.
' 4. Add a reference to:
' install_dir\APISDK\tlb\DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation.dll.
' 5. Start DraftSight and open
' disk:\ProgramData\Dassault Systemes\DraftSight\Examples\pump housing.dwg.
' 6. Press F5.
' 1. A model named view, ModelView, is created with a gradient background
' and is classified in the A category.
' 2. A model named view, SavedModelView, is created without a background.
' 3. A sheet named view, SheetView, is created and
' classified in the B category.
' 4. Click View > Named Views and examine both the model and sheet.
' 5. Examine the Immediate window.
' NOTE: To change the background to:
' 1. Solid from gradient:
' a. Uncomment these lines of code:
' 'Dim dsSolidBackground As SolidBackground
' 'dsSolidBackground = dsViewMgr.CreateSolidBackground(dsColor)
' 'dsModelNamedView.SetSolidBackground(dsSolidBackground)
' b. Comment out these lines of code:
' Dim dsGradientBackground As GradientBackground
' dsGradientBackground = dsViewMgr.CreateGradientBackground(dsColor, dsColor2, dsColor3, False, 0)
' dsModelNamedView.SetGradientBackground(dsGradientBackground)
' 2. Image from gradient:
' a. Uncomment these lines of code:
' 'Dim dsImageBackground As ImageBackground
' 'dsImageBackground = dsViewMgr.CreateImageBackground(imageFile, dsImageBackgroundPosition_e.dsImageBackgroundPosition_Tile, 0, 0, 0, 0)
' 'dsModelNamedView.SetImageBackground(dsImageBackground)
' b. Perform step 1b.
' c. Substitute the path and file name of your image for
' image_path_file_name.
Imports System.IO
Imports DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation
Module Module1
Dim dsApp As Application
Dim dsDoc As Document
Dim dsViewMgr As ViewManager
Dim dsCorner1 As Double() = New Double() {16.12, 12.23, 0.0}
Dim dsCorner2 As Double() = New Double() {25.46, 20.47, 0.0}
Dim dsCorner3 As Double() = New Double() {5.0, 4.5, 0.0}
Dim dsCorner4 As Double() = New Double() {7.36, 6.38, 0.0}
Dim dsModelNamedView As ModelNamedView
Dim dsSheetNamedView As SheetNamedView
Dim dsSheet As Sheet
Dim dsSheets As Sheet()
Dim dsSheetArray As Object
Dim dsGradientBackground As GradientBackground
'Dim dsSolidBackground As SolidBackground
'Dim dsImageBackground As ImageBackground
Dim imageFile As String
Dim dsColor As Color
Dim dsColor2 As Color
Dim dsColor3 As Color
Dim result As dsCreateObjectResult_e
Sub Main()
'Connect to DraftSight
dsApp = GetObject(, "DraftSight.Application")
'Get active document
dsDoc = dsApp.GetActiveDocument()
If Not dsDoc Is Nothing Then
'Get the view manager
dsViewMgr = dsDoc.GetViewManager()
'In the model space, create a model named view
result = dsViewMgr.CreateModelNamedView("ModelView", "A", dsCorner1, dsCorner2, dsModelNamedView)
dsColor = dsApp.GetNamedColor(dsNamedColor_e.dsNamedColor_Blue)
dsColor2 = dsApp.GetNamedColor(dsNamedColor_e.dsNamedColor_Cyan)
dsColor3 = dsApp.GetNamedColor(dsNamedColor_e.dsNamedColor_Green)
'Create gradient background
dsGradientBackground = dsViewMgr.CreateGradientBackground(dsColor, dsColor2, dsColor3, False, 0)
'Create solid background
'dsSolidBackground = dsViewMgr.CreateSolidBackground(dsColor)
'Create image background
imageFile = "image_path_file_name"
'dsImageBackground = dsViewMgr.CreateImageBackground(imageFile, dsImageBackgroundPosition_e.dsImageBackgroundPosition_Tile, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Debug.Print("Result: " & result.ToString)
Debug.Print("Model named view: " & dsModelNamedView.GetNamedView.GetName)
dsModelNamedView = dsViewMgr.GetModelNamedView("ModelView")
'Set background of ModelView and verify
'by getting its background type
Debug.Print("Type of background: " & dsModelNamedView.GetBackgroundType())
dsViewMgr.SaveCurrentViewAsModelView("SavedModelView", "A", dsModelNamedView)
'Switch to sheet space and create a sheet named view in Sheet1
dsSheetArray = dsDoc.GetSheets
' First sheet is actually a model named view,
' so assign next element in array to dsSheet
dsSheet = dsSheetArray(1)
result = dsViewMgr.CreateSheetNamedView("SheetView", "B", dsCorner3, dsCorner4, dsSheetNamedView)
Debug.Print("Result: " & result.ToString)
Debug.Print("Sheet named view: " & dsSheetNamedView.GetNamedView.GetName)
dsSheetNamedView = dsViewMgr.GetSheetNamedView("SheetView")
dsSheet = dsSheetNamedView.GetSheet()
dsViewMgr.SaveCurrentViewAsSheetView("SavedSheetView", "B", dsSheetNamedView)
MsgBox("There are no open documents in DraftSight.")
End If
End Sub
End Module