Runs the specified command.
Create a C++ program in Visual Studio using the C++ snippet below, substituting your_pdf with the full path to a PDF file on your computer.
C++ snippet attaches and detaches your_pdf
dsCommandMessage_ptr commandline;
dsRunCommandError_e error = dsRunCommand_InvalidCommand;
dsStringArray parameters;
dsLongArray parametersLong;
dsString strFile = L"your_pdf";
dsResType_e type = dsResType_String;
parameters.add( strFile );
parametersLong.add( type );
application->RunCommand2( L"_ATTACHPDF", parameters, parametersLong, true, &error );
commandline->PrintLine( error != dsRunCommand_Succeeded ? L"Run command failed" : L"Run command passed!" );
dsDocument_ptr document;
application->GetActiveDocument( &document );
dsLongArray ExternalDefinitionTypeLongArray;
dsObjectPtrArray ExternalDefinitionsArray;
document->GetImmediateChildReferences( &ExternalDefinitionTypeLongArray, &ExternalDefinitionsArray );
dsModel_ptr dsModel;
document->GetModel( &dsModel );
dsSketchManager_ptr sketchManager;
dsModel->GetSketchManager( &sketchManager );
dsPdfDefinition_c* pdfDefinition = ( dsPdfDefinition_c* )ExternalDefinitionsArray[ 0 ];
bool bRet;
sketchManager->DetachPdfDefinition( pdfDefinition, &bRet );
commandline->PrintLine( bRet ? L"Passed to detach Pdf" : L"Failed to detach PDF" );