Allows you to add a SOLIDWORKS Bill of Materials (BOM) to a non-SOLIDWORKS document.
//C# console application:
// Preconditions:
// 1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio.
// a. Click File > New > Project > Visual C# > Console Application.
// b. Type Search in Name.
// c. Click Browse and navigate to the folder where to create the project.
// d. Click OK.
// e. Click Show All Files in the Solution Explorer toolbar and expand
// Program.cs in the Solution Explorer.
// f. Replace the code in Program.cs with the code below.
// g. Change the namespace to match your setup.
// 2. Add EPDM.Interop.epdm.dll and EPDM.Interop.EPDMResultCode as references
// (right-click the project name in the Solution Explorer, click Add Reference, click
// Assemblies > Framework in the left-side panel, browse to the top folder of
// your SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional installation, locate and select
// EPDM.Interop.epdm.dll, click Open, click Add, and click Close).
// 3. Change the userName, vaultName, swBom.RefDocID, swBom.RefCfgs, swBom.SheetName,
// AddSWBom method parameters, and swRow property assignments in the code
// to match your vault and the document to which you want to add this BOM.
// 4. Click Debug > Start Debugging or press F5.
// Postconditions: Press a key when prompted in the console.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using EPDM.Interop.epdm;
using EPDM.Interop.EPDMResultCode;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SPR_1207428
class Program
const int LVCFMT_CENTER = 2;
const int LVCFMT_RIGHT = 1;
static string userName = "Admin";
static string vaultName = "2022_A1_B291";
static void Main(string[] args)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("UserName: {0}", userName).AppendLine();
sb.AppendFormat("VaultName: {0}", vaultName).AppendLine();
IEdmVault11 vault = (IEdmVault11)(new EdmVault5());
if (!vault.IsLoggedIn)
vault.Login(userName, "", vaultName);
IEdmBomMgr3 bomMgr = (IEdmBomMgr3)vault.CreateUtility(EdmUtility.EdmUtil_BomMgr);
IEdmSWBom swBom = bomMgr.CreateEmptySWBom();
swBom.Name = "Custom SWBom 7";
swBom.TableType = 0;
swBom.StartNumber = 1;
swBom.IncrementNumber = 1;
swBom.RefCfgs = "Default";
swBom.RefDocID = 1553;
swBom.SheetName = "Sheet1";
IEdmSWBomColumn swColTmp;
swColTmp = swBom.InsertColumn(0, "PART NUMBER");
swColTmp.Flags = LVCFMT_CENTER;
swColTmp.Width = 120;
swColTmp.Type = 8;
swColTmp = swBom.InsertColumn(1, "DESCRIPTION");
swColTmp.Flags = LVCFMT_CENTER;
swColTmp.Width = 231;
swColTmp.CustomPropName = "Description";
swColTmp = swBom.InsertColumn(2, "WEIGHT");
swColTmp.Flags = LVCFMT_CENTER;
swColTmp.Width = 71;
swColTmp.CustomPropName = "Weight";
swColTmp = swBom.InsertColumn(3, "VENDOR");
swColTmp.Flags = LVCFMT_CENTER;
swColTmp.Width = 132;
swColTmp.CustomPropName = "Vendor";
swColTmp = swBom.InsertColumn(4, "QTY.");
swColTmp.Flags = LVCFMT_RIGHT;
swColTmp.Width = 71;
swColTmp.Type = 6;
swColTmp = swBom.InsertColumn(0, "ITEM NO."); // insert at first position; reorders previous indexing
swColTmp.Flags = LVCFMT_CENTER;
swColTmp.Width = 71;
swColTmp.Type = 7;
IEdmSWBomRow swRow = swBom.InsertRow(0);
swRow.DocID = 1556;
swRow.Configuration = "Default";
swRow.Version = 1;
swRow.ProjectID = 7;
//swRow.ComponentRep = "SW-100200-2<Default>@Bill of Materials1/SW-100217-1<Default>@SW-100200/SW-201831-1<Default>@SW-100217";
swBom.GetCell(0, 0).Text = "1"; //Item number
swBom.GetCell(0, 1).Text = "SW-201831"; //Part number
swBom.GetCell(0, 2).Text = "BASE"; //Description
swBom.GetCell(0, 3).Text = "3696.33"; //Weight
swBom.GetCell(0, 5).Text = "1"; //Quantity
//Add the new SOLIDWORKS BOM to document with ID=1553 and Version=9
bomMgr.AddSWBom(1553, 7, 9, (EdmSWBom)swBom);
sb.AppendFormat("{0} sucessfully added.", swBom.Name).AppendLine();
catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
var errorType = typeof(EdmResultErrorCodes_e);
if (Enum.IsDefined(errorType, ex.ErrorCode))
sb.AppendFormat("Edm error occurred: {0}", Enum.GetName(errorType, ex.ErrorCode)).AppendLine();
sb.AppendLine("HRESULT = 0x" + ex.ErrorCode.ToString("X") + " " + ex.Message);
catch (Exception ex)
sb.AppendFormat("Error occurred: {0}", ex.Message).AppendLine();
Console.WriteLine("Please press any key to exit");