Create Sheet Metal Costing Analysis Example (C#)
This example shows how to create a sheet metal Costing analysis.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Open:
// C:\Users\Public\Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2018\samples\tutorial\costing\sheet_metal_part.sldprt
// 2. Verify that the Costing templates exist
by clicking Tools > Options >
// System
Options > File Locations and select Costing
templates in
// Show folders for in SOLIDWORKS. Click Cancel to close the dialog.
// 3. Add a reference to SolidWorks.Interop.sldcostingapi.dll.
// 4. Open the Immediate window.
// 5. Run the macro.
// Postconditions:
// 1. If prompted to save a temporary template with the costing data,
// click Yes, browse to the folder where to save the
type the name of the temporary template in File name,
// and click Save.
// 2. Creates a sheet metal Costing analysis,
// might take one or more minutes to complete.
// 3. Examine the Immediate window.
// NOTE: Because the part is used elsewhere, do not
// save changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldcostingapi;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System;
namespace SOLIDWORKSSheetMetalCostingCSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
ModelDoc2 swModel;
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt;
CostManager swCosting;
CostPart swCostingPart;
CostBody swCostingBody;
object swCostingModel;
CostAnalysis swCostingAnalysis;
CostAnalysisSheetMetal swCostingSheetMetal;
string sheetmetalCostingTemplatePathName;
string sheetmetalCostingReportTemplateFolderName;
int nbrSheetmetalCostingTemplate;
int nbrCommonCostingTemplate;
object[] commonCostingTemplates;
object[] sheetmetalCostingTemplates;
int nbrCostingBodies;
object[] costingBodies;
string costingBodyName;
int i;
bool isSheetMetalBody;
CostFeature swCostingFeat;
CostFeature swCostingNextFeat;
CostFeature swCostingSubFeat;
CostFeature swCostingNextSubFeat;
public void Main()
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension;
// Get Costing templates names
Debug.Print("Costing template folders:");
sheetmetalCostingTemplatePathName = swApp.GetUserPreferenceStringValue((int)swUserPreferenceStringValue_e.swFileLocationsCostingTemplates);
Debug.Print(" Name of Costing template folder: " + sheetmetalCostingTemplatePathName);
sheetmetalCostingReportTemplateFolderName = swApp.GetUserPreferenceStringValue((int)swUserPreferenceStringValue_e.swFileLocationsCostingReportTemplateFolder);
Debug.Print(" Name of Costing report template folder: " + sheetmetalCostingReportTemplateFolderName);
// Get CostingManager
swCosting = (CostManager)swModelDocExt.GetCostingManager();
// Get the number of templates
nbrSheetmetalCostingTemplate = swCosting.GetTemplateCount((int)swcCostingType_e.swcCostingType_SheetMetal);
nbrCommonCostingTemplate = swCosting.GetTemplateCount((int)swcCostingType_e.swcCostingType_Common);
// Get names of templates
sheetmetalCostingTemplates = (object[])swCosting.GetTemplatePathnames((int)swcCostingType_e.swcCostingType_SheetMetal);
commonCostingTemplates = (object[])swCosting.GetTemplatePathnames((int)swcCostingType_e.swcCostingType_Common);
Array.Resize(ref sheetmetalCostingTemplates, nbrSheetmetalCostingTemplate + 1);
Array.Resize(ref commonCostingTemplates, nbrCommonCostingTemplate + 1);
Debug.Print("Costing templates:");
// Print names of templates to Immediate window
for (i = 0; i <= (nbrSheetmetalCostingTemplate - 1); i++)
Debug.Print(" Name of sheet metal Costing template: " + sheetmetalCostingTemplates[i]);
for (i = 0; i <= (nbrCommonCostingTemplate - 1); i++)
Debug.Print(" Name of common Costing template: " + commonCostingTemplates[i]);
// Get Costing part
swCostingModel = (object)swCosting.CostingModel;
swCostingPart = (CostPart)swCostingModel;
// Create common Costing analysis
swCostingAnalysis = (CostAnalysis)swCostingPart.CreateCostAnalysis("c:\\program files\\solidworks corp\\solidworks\\lang\\english\\costing templates\\multibodytemplate_default(englishstandard).sldctc");
// Get common Costing analysis data
Debug.Print("Common Costing analysis data:");
Debug.Print(" Template name: " + swCostingAnalysis.CostingTemplateName);
Debug.Print(" Currency code: " + swCostingAnalysis.CurrencyCode);
Debug.Print(" Currency name: " + swCostingAnalysis.CurrencyName);
Debug.Print(" Currency separator: " + swCostingAnalysis.CurrencySeparator);
Debug.Print(" Total manufacturing cost: " + swCostingAnalysis.GetManufacturingCost());
Debug.Print(" Material costs: " + swCostingAnalysis.GetMaterialCost());
Debug.Print(" Setup cost: " + swCostingAnalysis.GetSetupCost());
Debug.Print(" Total cost to charge: " + swCostingAnalysis.GetTotalCostToCharge());
Debug.Print(" Total cost to manufacture: " + swCostingAnalysis.GetTotalCostToManufacture());
Debug.Print(" Lot size: " + swCostingAnalysis.LotSize);
Debug.Print(" Total quantity: " + swCostingAnalysis.TotalQuantity);
// Get Costing bodies
nbrCostingBodies = swCostingPart.GetBodyCount();
if ((nbrCostingBodies > 0))
Debug.Print("Costing bodies:");
Debug.Print(" Number of Costing bodies: " + nbrCostingBodies);
costingBodies = (object[])swCostingPart.GetBodies();
for (i = 0; i <= (nbrCostingBodies - 1); i++)
swCostingBody = (CostBody)costingBodies[i];
costingBodyName = (string)swCostingBody.GetName();
Debug.Print(" Name of Costing body: " + costingBodyName);
isSheetMetalBody = false;
// Make sure body is sheet metal
if ((swCostingBody.GetBodyType() == (int)swcBodyType_e.swcBodyType_SheetMetal))
isSheetMetalBody = true;
// Determine analysis status of Costing body
switch ((int)swCostingBody.BodyStatus)
case (int)swcBodyStatus_e.swcBodyStatus_NotAnalysed:
// Create Costing analysis
swCostingAnalysis = (CostAnalysis)swCostingBody.CreateCostAnalysis("c:\\program files\\solidworks corp\\solidworks\\lang\\english\\costing templates\\sheetmetaltemplate_default(englishstandard).sldcts");
Debug.Print(" Creating sheet metal Costing analysis for: " + swCostingBody.GetName());
case (int)swcBodyStatus_e.swcBodyStatus_Analysed:
// Get Costing analysis
swCostingAnalysis = (CostAnalysis)swCostingBody.GetCostAnalysis();
Debug.Print(" Getting sheet metal Costing analysis for: " + swCostingBody.GetName());
case (int)swcBodyStatus_e.swcBodyStatus_Excluded:
// Body excluded from Costing analysis
Debug.Print(" Excluded from sheet metal Costing analysis: " + swCostingBody.GetName());
case (int)swcBodyStatus_e.swcBodyStatus_AssignedCustomCost:
// Body has an assigned custom Cost
Debug.Print(" Custom cost assigned: " + swCostingBody.GetName());
if (!isSheetMetalBody
("No sheet metal bodies in part! Exiting
// Get sheet metal Costing Analysis data
swCostingSheetMetal = (CostAnalysisSheetMetal)swCostingAnalysis.GetSpecificAnalysis();
Debug.Print("Sheet metal Costing analysis: ");
Debug.Print(" Current material: " + swCostingSheetMetal.CurrentMaterial);
Debug.Print(" Current material class: " + swCostingSheetMetal.CurrentMaterialClass);
Debug.Print(" Current thickness: " + swCostingSheetMetal.CurrentThickness);
Debug.Print(" Material cost: " + swCostingSheetMetal.MaterialCost);
Debug.Print(" Material cost from template: " + swCostingSheetMetal.MaterialCostFromTemplate);
Debug.Print(" Type of blank size: " + swCostingSheetMetal.BlankSizeType);
Blank area from model: " + swCostingSheetMetal.BlankAreaFromModel);
Blank area, include any margins, from model: " +
// Get Costing features
Debug.Print("Costing features:");
swCostingFeat = (CostFeature)swCostingAnalysis.GetFirstCostFeature();
while ((swCostingFeat != null))
Debug.Print(" Feature: " + swCostingFeat.Name);
Type: " + swCostingFeat.GetType());
Debug.Print(" Setup related: " + swCostingFeat.IsSetup);
Debug.Print(" Overridden: " + swCostingFeat.IsOverridden);
Debug.Print(" Combined cost: " + swCostingFeat.CombinedCost);
Debug.Print(" Combined time: " + swCostingFeat.CombinedTime);
swCostingSubFeat = (CostFeature)swCostingFeat.GetFirstSubFeature();
while ((swCostingSubFeat != null))
Debug.Print(" Subfeature: " + swCostingSubFeat.Name);
Type: " + swCostingSubFeat.GetType());
Debug.Print(" Setup related: " + swCostingSubFeat.IsSetup);
Debug.Print(" Overridden: " + swCostingSubFeat.IsOverridden);
Debug.Print(" Combined cost: " + swCostingSubFeat.CombinedCost);
Debug.Print(" Combined time: " + swCostingSubFeat.CombinedTime);
swCostingNextSubFeat = (CostFeature)swCostingSubFeat.GetNextFeature();
swCostingSubFeat = null;
swCostingSubFeat = (CostFeature)swCostingNextSubFeat;
swCostingNextSubFeat = null;
swCostingNextFeat = swCostingFeat.GetNextFeature();
swCostingFeat = null;
swCostingFeat = (CostFeature)swCostingNextFeat;
swCostingNextFeat = null;
/// <summary>
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
/// </summary>
public SldWorks swApp;