Set Custom Stock Body in Machined Part Example (VBA)
This example shows how to set a custom stock body in a machined part.
' Preconditions:
' 1. Verify that the specified
' * part documents to open and reference exist.
' * Costing template exists by clicking
' Tools > Options > System Options > File Locations
' and selecting Costing templates in Show folders for
' in SOLIDWORKS. Click Cancel to close the dialog.
' 2. Add a reference to sldcostingapi.tlb.
' 3. Open the Immediate window.
' 4. Run the macro.
' Postconditions:
' 1. Opens the specified part document.
' 2. Creates common and machining Costing analyses, which can
' take one or more minutes to complete.
' 3. Sets and gets custom stock body Costing information and
' updates the estimated total cost to manufacture the part,
' which can take one or more minutes to complete.
' 4. Examine the Immediate window
' NOTE: Because the part is used elsewhere, do not
' save any changes when closing it.
Option Explicit
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swModelDocExt As SldWorks.ModelDocExtension
Dim swCosting As SldCostingAPI.CostManager
Dim swCostingPart As SldCostingAPI.CostPart
Dim swCostingBody As SldCostingAPI.CostBody
Dim swCostingModel As Object
Dim swCostingAnalysis As SldCostingAPI.CostAnalysis
Dim swCostingMachining As SldCostingAPI.CostAnalysisMachining
Dim fileName As String
Dim errors As Long
Dim warnings As Long
Dim nbrCostingBodies As Long
Dim costingBodies As Variant
Dim costingBodyName As String
Dim i As Long
Dim isBody As Boolean
Sub main()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
' Open part specified document
fileName = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2018\samples\tutorial\api\clamp1.sldprt"
Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART, swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", errors, warnings)
Set swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension
' Get CostingManager
Set swCosting = swModelDocExt.GetCostingManager
' Get Costing part
Set swCostingModel = swCosting.CostingModel
Set swCostingPart = swCostingModel
' Create common Costing analysis
Set swCostingAnalysis = swCostingPart.CreateCostAnalysis("C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks\lang\english\costing templates\multibodytemplate_default(englishstandard).sldctc")
' Get common Costing analysis data
Debug.Print ("Common Costing analysis data:")
Debug.Print (" Template name: " & swCostingAnalysis.costingTemplateName)
Debug.Print (" Currency code: " & swCostingAnalysis.CurrencyCode)
Debug.Print (" Currency name: " & swCostingAnalysis.CurrencyName)
Debug.Print (" Currency separator: " & swCostingAnalysis.CurrencySeparator)
Debug.Print (" Total manufacturing cost: " & swCostingAnalysis.GetManufacturingCost)
Debug.Print (" Material costs: " & swCostingAnalysis.GetMaterialCost)
Debug.Print (" Setup cost: " & swCostingAnalysis.GetSetupCost)
Debug.Print (" Total cost to charge: " & swCostingAnalysis.GetTotalCostToCharge)
Debug.Print (" Total cost to manufacture: " & swCostingAnalysis.GetTotalCostToManufacture)
Debug.Print (" Lot size: " & swCostingAnalysis.LotSize)
Debug.Print (" Total quantity: " & swCostingAnalysis.TotalQuantity)
Debug.Print ""
' Get Costing bodies
nbrCostingBodies = swCostingPart.GetBodyCount
isBody = False
If (nbrCostingBodies > 0) Then
Debug.Print "Costing bodies:"
Debug.Print (" Number of Costing bodies: " & nbrCostingBodies)
costingBodies = swCostingPart.GetBodies
For i = 0 To (nbrCostingBodies - 1)
Set swCostingBody = costingBodies(i)
costingBodyName = swCostingBody.GetName
Debug.Print (" Name of Costing body: " & costingBodyName)
' Make sure body is machining body
If (swCostingBody.GetBodyType = swcBodyType_e.swcBodyType_Machined) Then
isBody = True
' Determine analysis status of Costing body
Select Case swCostingBody.BodyStatus
Case swcBodyStatus_e.swcBodyStatus_NotAnalysed
' Create Costing analysis
Set swCostingAnalysis = swCostingBody.CreateCostAnalysis("C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks\lang\english\costing templates\machiningtemplate_default(englishstandard).sldcts")
Debug.Print (" Creating machining Costing analysis for: " & swCostingBody.GetName)
Case swcBodyStatus_e.swcBodyStatus_Analysed
' Get Costing analysis
Set swCostingAnalysis = swCostingBody.GetCostAnalysis
Debug.Print (" Getting machining Costing analysis for: " & swCostingBody.GetName)
Case swcBodyStatus_e.swcBodyStatus_Excluded
' Body excluded from Costing analysis
Debug.Print (" Excluded from machining Costing analysis: " & swCostingBody.GetName)
Case swcBodyStatus_e.swcBodyStatus_AssignedCustomCost
' Body has an assigned custom Cost
Debug.Print (" Custom cost assigned: " & swCostingBody.GetName)
End Select
Debug.Print ""
End If
Next i
End If
If Not isBody Then
Debug.Print ("")
Debug.Print ("No bodies in part! Exiting macro.")
Exit Sub
End If
' Get machining Costing analysis data
Set swCostingMachining = swCostingAnalysis.GetSpecificAnalysis
Debug.Print "Machining Costing analysis: "
Debug.Print (" Current material: " & swCostingMachining.CurrentMaterial)
Debug.Print (" Current material class: " & swCostingMachining.CurrentMaterialClass)
Debug.Print (" Current plate thickness: " & swCostingMachining.CurrentPlateThickness)
Debug.Print ("")
' Set and get custom stock body Costing information
swCostingMachining.CurrentStockType = swcStockType_e.swcStockType_Custom
Debug.Print "Custom stock body Costing information:"
swCostingMachining.CustomStockBodyName = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2018\samples\tutorial\api\clamp2.sldprt"
Debug.Print " Body: " & swCostingMachining.CustomStockBodyName
swCostingMachining.CustomStockCostInfoType = swcCustomStockCostInfoType_e.swcCustomStockCostType_CustomCost
Debug.Print " Information type: " & swCostingMachining.CustomStockCostInfoType
swCostingMachining.CustomStockCustomCost = 3.53
Debug.Print " Cost: " & swCostingMachining.CustomStockCustomCost
swCostingMachining.CustomStockImportType = swcCustomStockImportType_e.swcCustomStockImportType_ReferencePart
Debug.Print " Import type: " & swCostingMachining.CustomStockImportType
Debug.Print ("")
' Updated estimated total cost to manufacture the part
Debug.Print ("Updated estimated total cost to manufacture: " & swCostingAnalysis.GetTotalCostToManufacture)
End Sub