Get BOM Tables Example (C#)
This example shows how to get the BOM tables in a drawing document.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Create a console application using Visual C#.
// 2. Verify that all output is redirected to the Immediate window. (In
// Visual Studio 2015, click Tools > Options >
Debugging > General >
// Redirect all Output Window text to the Immediate
// 3. Click
Project > Add Reference > install_dir/api/redist/
> OK.
// 4. Substitute your license key for your_license_key in the code.
// 5. Copy the specified drawing document to another file name.
// 6. Open the specified drawing document in SOLIDWORKS.
// 7. Ensure that both Bills of Materials
are not hidden.
// 8. Save and rebuild the drawing.
// 9. Close SOLIDWORKS.
// Postconditions: Prints to the Immediate window:
// * Document:
// * Path and filename
// * Last saved date
// * For each BOM table that is not hidden
in the document:
// * Name
// * Whether hidden
// * Whether to display components
with multiple configurations as one item
// * Part configuration grouping setting
// * Sheet
// * Number of views on the sheet
// * Name of the custom property view for the
// NOTE: Restore the original drawing document, as it is used elsewhere.
using SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
class Module1
static void Main()
SwDMClassFactory dmClassFact = default(SwDMClassFactory);
SwDMApplication3 dmDocMgr = default(SwDMApplication3);
ISwDMDocument15 dmDoc = default(ISwDMDocument15);
ISwDMTable5 dmTable = default(ISwDMTable5);
ISwDMSheet4 dmSheet = default(ISwDMSheet4);
ISwDMView custPropView = default(ISwDMView);
SwDmDocumentOpenError dmError = default(SwDmDocumentOpenError);
Array arrViews = null;
string nameDrawing = "";
dmClassFact = new SwDMClassFactory();
dmDocMgr = (SwDMApplication3)dmClassFact.GetApplication("your_license_key");
//Do not distribute
nameDrawing = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2017\\introsw\\cabinet_bath.slddrw";
//Get the SOLIDWORKS drawing document
dmDoc = (ISwDMDocument15)dmDocMgr.GetDocument(nameDrawing, SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentDrawing, false, out dmError);
Debug.Print("Document's full name: " + dmDoc.FullName);
Debug.Print("Date document last saved: " + dmDoc.LastSavedDate);
// Get the names of the BOM tables that are not hidden in the SOLIDWORKS drawing document
string[] tableNames = null;
tableNames = (string[])dmDoc.GetTableNames(SwDmTableType.swDmTableTypeBOM);
int i = 0;
if ((tableNames != null))
for (i = 0; i <= tableNames.Length - 1; i++)
dmTable = (SwDMTable5)dmDoc.GetTable(tableNames[i]);
Debug.Print(" BOM table name: " + dmTable.Name);
Debug.Print(" Is BOM table hidden? " + dmTable.Hidden);
Debug.Print(" If BOM table contains components with multiple configurations, display as one item? " + dmTable.DisplayAsOneItem);
Debug.Print(" Part configuration grouping
as defined in swDMPartConfigurationGrouping: " + dmTable.PartConfigurationGrouping);
dmSheet = (SwDMSheet4)dmTable.Sheet;
if (dmSheet != null)
custPropView = dmSheet.CustomPropertyView;
arrViews = dmSheet.GetViews();
Debug.Print(" On sheet: " + dmSheet.Name);
Debug.Print(" Number of views on sheet: " + arrViews.Length);
Debug.Print(" Custom property view: " + custPropView.Name);