Get BOM Tables Example (VB.NET)
This example shows how to get the BOM tables in a drawing document.
' Preconditions:
' 1. Create a console application using Visual Basic.
' 2. Verify that all output is redirected
to the Immediate window. (In
' Visual Studio 2015, click Tools > Options > Debugging
> General >
' Redirect all Output Window text to the Immediate
' 3. Click Project > Add Reference >
> OK.
' 4. Substitute your license key for your_license_key in the code.
' 5. Copy the specified drawing document to another file name.
' 6. Open the specified drawing document in SOLIDWORKS.
' 7. Ensure that both Bills of Materials
are not hidden.
' 8. Save and rebuild the drawing.
' 9. Close SOLIDWORKS.
' Postconditions: Prints to the Immediate window:
' * Document:
' * Path and file name
* Last saved date
' * For each BOM table that
is not hidden in the document:
' * Name
' * Whether hidden
' * Whether to display components
with multiple configurations as one item
' * Part configuration grouping setting
' * Sheet
' * Number of views on the sheet
' * Name of the
custom property view for the sheet
' NOTE: Restore the original drawing document, as it is used elsewhere.
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr
Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics
Module Module1
Dim dmClassFact As SwDMClassFactory
Dim dmDocMgr As SwDMApplication3
Dim dmDoc As ISwDMDocumen15
Dim dmTable As ISwDMTable5
Dim dmSheet As ISwDMSheet4
Dim custPropView As ISwDMView
Dim dmError As SwDmDocumentOpenError
Dim arrviews As Array
Dim nameDrawing As String
Sub Main()
dmClassFact = CreateObject("SwDocumentMgr.SwDMClassFactory")
dmDocMgr = dmClassFact.GetApplication("your_license_key") 'Do not distribute
nameDrawing = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2017\introsw\cabinet_bath.slddrw"
'Get the SOLIDWORKS drawing document
dmDoc = dmDocMgr.GetDocument(nameDrawing, SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentDrawing, False, dmError)
Debug.Print("Document's full name: " & dmDoc.FullName)
Debug.Print("Date document last saved: " & dmDoc.LastSavedDate)
' Get the names of the BOM tables that
are not hidden in the SOLIDWORKS drawing document
Dim tableNames As Object
tableNames = dmDoc.GetTableNames(SwDmTableType.swDmTableTypeBOM)
Dim i As Integer
If Not IsNothing(tableNames) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(tableNames)
dmTable = dmDoc.GetTable(tableNames(i))
Debug.Print(" BOM table name: " & dmTable.Name)
Debug.Print(" Is BOM table hidden? " & dmTable.Hidden)
Debug.Print(" If BOM table contains components with multiple configurations, display as one item? " & dmTable.DisplayAsOneItem)
Debug.Print(" Part configuration grouping
as defined in swDMPartConfigurationGrouping: " & dmTable.PartConfigurationGrouping)
dmSheet = dmTable.Sheet
If Not IsNothing(dmSheet) Then
custPropView = dmSheet.CustomPropertyView
arrviews = dmSheet.GetViews
Debug.Print(" On sheet: " & dmSheet.Name)
Debug.Print(" Number of views on sheet: " & arrviews.Length)
Debug.Print(" Custom property view: " & custPropView.Name)
End If
End If
End Sub
End Module