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Get Configuration-Specific Custom Properties for Components (VB.NET)

This example shows how to get custom properties for assembly components.


' Preconditions:

' 1. Read the SOLIDWORKS Document Manager API Getting Started

'    topic and ensure that the required DLLs are registered.

' 2. Copy and paste this code into a VB.NET console application

'    in Microsoft Visual Studio.

' 3. Ensure the Solution Platform is of type x64.

' 4. Add the SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr.dll reference to the project:

'    a. Right-click the solution in Solution Explorer.

'    b. Click Add Reference.

'    c. Click Browse.

'    d. Click:

'       install_dir\api\redist\SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr.dll

'    e. Click Add.

'    f. Click Close.

' 5. Add the Microsoft Scripting Runtime reference to the project.

' 6. Ensure that the model(s) to open exists and is(are) not readonly.

' 7. Substitute your_license_key with your SOLIDWORKS Document

'    Manager license key.

' 8. Open the Immediate window.


' Postconditions:

' 1. Gets document-level, component-level, and configuration-level custom properties for all assembly components.

' 2. Inspect the Immediate window.



Imports System.Diagnostics

Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr


Module Module1


    Sub Main()

        Dim swDocMgr As SwDMApplication

        Dim swCf As SwDMClassFactory

        swCf = CreateObject("SwDocumentMgr.SwDMClassFactory")

        Dim sKey As String

        sKey = "your_license_key"

        swDocMgr = swCf.GetApplication(sKey)


        Dim swDmSearchOpt As SwDMSearchOption

        swDmSearchOpt = swDocMgr.GetSearchOptionObject


        swDmSearchOpt.AddSearchPath("public_documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2024\samples\tutorial\advdrawings")


        Dim dOpenDocs As New Scripting.Dictionary


        Dim swDoc12 As SwDMDocument12

        Dim res As SwDmDocumentOpenError

        Dim dt As SwDmDocumentType

        dt = SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentAssembly

        Dim filename As String

        filename = "public_documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2024\samples\tutorial\advdrawings\98food processor.SLDASM"

        swDoc12 = swDocMgr.GetDocument(filename, dt, False, res)


        If swDoc12 Is Nothing Or (res <> SwDmDocumentOpenError.swDmDocumentOpenErrorNone) Then

            Debug.Print("Error opening file...")

            Exit Sub

        End If


        dOpenDocs.Add(filename, swDoc12)

        Dim activeConfig As SwDMConfiguration8

        Dim configMgr As SwDMConfigurationMgr

        configMgr = swDoc12.ConfigurationManager

        Dim vConfigNames As Object

        vConfigNames = configMgr.GetConfigurationNames

        Dim j As Integer

        Debug.Print("Assembly configurations: ")

        For j = 0 To UBound(vConfigNames)

            Debug.Print("  " & vConfigNames(j))

        Next j

        Debug.Print("Get the active assembly configuration...")

        Dim sActiveConfig As String

        sActiveConfig = configMgr.GetActiveConfigurationName

        activeConfig = configMgr.GetConfigurationByName(sActiveConfig)

        If activeConfig Is Nothing Then

            Debug.Print("Error getting the active assembly configuration...")


        End If

        Debug.Print("The active assembly configuration is " & sActiveConfig)

        Debug.Print("Get the components of the active assembly configuration...")


        Dim vComponents As Object

        vComponents = activeConfig.GetComponents

        Dim swDmComponent As SwDMComponent12


        Dim i As Integer

        For i = 0 To UBound(vComponents)

            swDmComponent = vComponents(i)



            Debug.Print("Component name = " & swDmComponent.Name3 & "     Config = " & swDmComponent.ConfigurationName)


            Dim swDmCompDocCur As SwDMDocument

            Dim lErr As Integer

            Dim bIsInDict As Boolean

            bIsInDict = dOpenDocs.Exists(swDmComponent.Name)


            If Not bIsInDict Then

                swDmCompDocCur = swDmComponent.GetDocument2(False, swDmSearchOpt, lErr)

                If Not swDmCompDocCur Is Nothing Then

                    dOpenDocs.Add(swDmComponent.Name, swDmCompDocCur)

                End If


                swDmCompDocCur = dOpenDocs(swDmComponent.Name)

            End If


            Dim vCustomPropNamesFromDoc As Object

            Dim lPropType As Integer

            Dim sPropVal As String

            Dim k As Integer


            If swDmCompDocCur IsNot Nothing Then



                Debug.Print("********* Document-level custom properties **************")


                vCustomPropNamesFromDoc = swDmCompDocCur.GetCustomPropertyNames()


                If vCustomPropNamesFromDoc IsNot Nothing Then


                    For k = 0 To UBound(vCustomPropNamesFromDoc)

                        sPropVal = swDmCompDocCur.GetCustomProperty(vCustomPropNamesFromDoc(k), lPropType)

                        Debug.Print(vCustomPropNamesFromDoc(k) & ": Value: " & sPropVal & ", Type: " & lPropType)

                    Next k


                    Debug.Print("********* Component-level custom properties **************")


                    Dim m As Integer

                    For m = 0 To UBound(vCustomPropNamesFromDoc)

                        sPropVal = swDmComponent.GetCustomProperty(vCustomPropNamesFromDoc(m), lPropType)

                        Debug.Print(vCustomPropNamesFromDoc(m) & ": Value: " & sPropVal & ", Type: " & lPropType)

                    Next m


                    Dim swDmCompDocCurConfigMgr As SwDMConfigurationMgr

                    swDmCompDocCurConfigMgr = swDmCompDocCur.ConfigurationManager

                    Dim swDmCompDocCurConfigMgr2 As SwDMConfigurationMgr2

                    swDmCompDocCurConfigMgr2 = swDmCompDocCurConfigMgr


                    Dim swDmCompConfigCur As SwDMConfiguration

                    Dim swDmCompConfigCur14 As SwDMConfiguration14

                    Dim swDmConfigErr As SwDMConfigurationError

                    swDmCompConfigCur = swDmCompDocCurConfigMgr2.GetConfigurationByName2(swDmComponent.ConfigurationName, swDmConfigErr)

                    swDmCompConfigCur14 = swDmCompConfigCur


                    Dim lCustPropCount As Integer

                    lCustPropCount = swDmCompConfigCur.GetCustomPropertyCount


                    Dim vCustPropNames As Object

                    vCustPropNames = swDmCompConfigCur.GetCustomPropertyNames


                    Debug.Print("********* Configuration-level custom properties **************")

                    If lCustPropCount > 0 Then


                        Dim r As Integer

                        For r = 0 To UBound(vCustPropNames)

                            sPropVal = swDmCompConfigCur.GetCustomProperty(vCustPropNames(r), lPropType)

                            Debug.Print(vCustPropNames(r) & ": " & sPropVal & ", " & lPropType)

                        Next r





                    End If




                End If

            End If



        Dim s As Integer

            Dim swDmDocCur As SwDMDocument

        For s = 0 To dOpenDocs.Count - 1

            swDmDocCur = dOpenDocs.Items()(s)


            swDmDocCur = Nothing

        Next s


        dOpenDocs = Nothing


    End Sub


End Module




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