Get Current Name of Configuration of Suppressed Component Example (VB.NET)
This example shows how to get the current name of the configuration of a
suppressed component.
' Preconditions:
' 1. Read the SOLIDWORKS Document Manager API Getting Started topic
' and ensure that the required DLLs are registered.
' 2. Copy and paste this code into a VB.NET console application
' in Microsoft Visual Studio.
' 3. Add the SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr.dll reference
' to the project:
' a. Right-click the solution in Solution Explorer.
' b. Click Add Reference.
' c. Click Browse.
' d. Click install_dir\api\redist\SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr.dll.
' e. Click Add.
' f. Click OK.
' 4. Substitute your_license_key with your SOLIDWORKS
' Document Manager license key.
' 5. Substitute assembly_with_suppressed_comps with the path to an assembly
' that contains one or more suppressed components.
' 6. Open the Immediate window.
' Postconditions: Examine the Immediate window for configuration information.
Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
'Specify your license key and path and filename of assembly document
Const sLicenseKey As String = "your_license_key"
Const sDocFileName As String = "assembly_with_suppressed_comps"
Dim dmClassFact As SwDMClassFactory
Dim dmDocMgr As SwDMApplication4
Dim dmDoc As SwDMDocument18
Dim dmDoc2 As SwDMDocument18
Dim nRetVal As SwDmDocumentOpenError
Dim dmSearchOpt As SwDMSearchOption
Dim dmExtRefOption As SwDMExternalReferenceOption2
Dim numExtRefs As Integer
Sub Main()
dmClassFact = CreateObject("SwDocumentMgr.SwDMClassFactory.1")
dmDocMgr = dmClassFact.GetApplication(sLicenseKey)
dmDoc = dmDocMgr.GetDocument(sDocFileName, GetDocType(sDocFileName), True, nRetVal)
Debug.Print("File = " + dmDoc.FullName)
dmExtRefOption = dmDocMgr.GetExternalReferenceOptionObject2
dmSearchOpt = dmDocMgr.GetSearchOptionObject
dmSearchOpt.SearchFilters = (SwDmSearchFilters.SwDmSearchExternalReference + SwDmSearchFilters.SwDmSearchForAssembly + SwDmSearchFilters.SwDmSearchInContextReference)
dmExtRefOption.SearchOption = dmSearchOpt
dmExtRefOption.Configuration = "Default"
dmExtRefOption.NeedSuppress = True
numExtRefs = dmDoc.GetExternalFeatureReferences3(dmExtRefOption)
Dim arrExtRefs As Array
arrExtRefs = dmExtRefOption.ExternalReferences
Dim config As SwDMConfiguration12
Dim configMgr As SwDMConfigurationMgr = dmDoc.ConfigurationManager
config = configMgr.GetConfigurationByName(configMgr.GetActiveConfigurationName())
Dim comps As Object = config.GetComponents()
Dim arrComps As Array
arrComps = comps
For Each swComp As SwDMComponent9 In arrComps
Debug.Print("Component name: " + swComp.Name2)
Debug.Print("Component configuration name: " + swComp.ConfigurationName)
Debug.Print("Component configuration ID: " + swComp.ConfigurationID.ToString)
Debug.Print("Component ID: " + swComp.GetID.ToString)
Dim ComponentPathName As String = swComp.PathName
'Check validity of the component's path name
'It might be out of date if the path changed after
'the component was suppressed
If Not File.Exists(ComponentPathName) Then
'If that file cannot be found, look for an external
'reference with the same name
ComponentPathName = FindExtRefPath(swComp.PathName, arrExtRefs)
End If
dmDoc2 = dmDocMgr.GetDocument(ComponentPathName, GetDocType(ComponentPathName), False, nRetVal)
Dim config2 As SwDMConfiguration12
Dim configMgr2 As SwDMConfigurationMgr = dmDoc2.ConfigurationManager
Dim confignames As String()
confignames = configMgr2.GetConfigurationNames()
Dim arrConfigNames As New ArrayList(confignames)
' If the configuration name for the component doesn't match an
' existing config name in the reference part, go find the
' updated config name from the part
If Not arrConfigNames.Contains(swComp.ConfigurationName) Then
For Each configName As String In arrConfigNames
config2 = configMgr2.GetConfigurationByName(configName)
If config2.GetID() = swComp.ConfigurationID Then
Debug.Print("Reference part configuration name: " + config2.Name2)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function FindExtRefPath(ByVal name As String, ByVal arrComps As Array) As String
Dim ExtrefPathName As String = name
Dim nameParts As String() = name.Split("\"c)
Dim justName As String = nameParts.GetValue(nameParts.GetUpperBound(0)).ToString()
Dim i As Integer = arrComps.GetLowerBound(0)
Dim found As [Boolean] = False
While (i <= arrComps.GetUpperBound(0)) AndAlso Not found
Dim extref As String = (arrComps.GetValue(i)).ToString()
Dim extrefParts As String() = extref.Split("\"c)
Dim justextrefName As String = extrefParts.GetValue(extrefParts.GetUpperBound(0)).ToString()
If justextrefName = justName Then
found = True
ExtrefPathName = extref
End If
i += 1
End While
Return ExtrefPathName
End Function
Private Function GetDocType(ByVal name As String) As SwDmDocumentType
Dim nDocType As SwDmDocumentType = SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentUnknown
If name.EndsWith("SLDPRT") Then
nDocType = SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentPart
ElseIf name.EndsWith("SLDASM") Then
nDocType = SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentAssembly
End If
Return nDocType
End Function
End Module