Access Load Case Manager Example (C#)
This example shows how to access the Load Case Manager to define load cases
and load case combinations.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation as an add-in (in SOLIDWORKS, click
// Tools > Add-ins > SOLIDWORKS Simulation
> OK).
// 2. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation primary interop assembly as a reference
// (in the IDE, click Project > Add Reference > .NET >
// SolidWorks.Interop.cosworks > OK).
// 3. Ensure that the specified model exists.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Gets the Ready study.
// 2. Opens the Load Case Manager.
// 3. Adds primary load cases and load case combinations.
// 4. Analyzes Ready using all primary load cases and load case combinations.
// 5. Creates a results displacement plot.
// 6. Click each primary load case and load case combination in the
// Results View tab of the Load Case Manager.
Inspect the result data
// in the graphics area
after each click.
// NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using SolidWorks.Interop.cosworks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace LoadCaseManager_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
ModelDoc2 Part;
CwAddincallback CWAddinCallBack;
CWModelDoc ActDoc;
CWStudyManager StudyMngr;
CWStudy Study;
CWMesh Mesh;
CWLoadCaseManager LoadCaseManager;
CWResults CWResult;
CWStaticStudyOptions StudyOptions;
int errCode;
int longstatus;
int longwarnings;
bool bSuccess;
object PrimaryCases;
object SecondaryCases;
object[] varBOOLVals = new object[1];
object[] varLoadVals = new object[1];
object[] varRetBOOLVals = new object[1];
object[] varRetLoadVals = new object[1];
string strCombination;
string retStrCombination;
double e1;
double e2;
public void Main()
Part = swApp.OpenDoc6("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2024\\Simulation Examples\\Tutor1.sldprt", (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART, 1, "", ref longstatus, ref longwarnings);
if (Part == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to open Tutor1.sldprt");
CWAddinCallBack = (CwAddincallback)swApp.GetAddInObject("CosmosWorks.CosmosWorks");
if (CWAddinCallBack == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Simulation add-in not loaded");
COSMOSWORKS = CWAddinCallBack.CosmosWorks;
if (COSMOSWORKS == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No COSMOSWORKS object");
ActDoc = COSMOSWORKS.ActiveDoc;
if (ActDoc == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No active document");
StudyMngr = ActDoc.StudyManager;
if (StudyMngr == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No CWStudyManager
Study = StudyMngr.GetStudy(0);
StudyMngr.ActiveStudy = 0;
if (Study == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No study");
LoadCaseManager = Study.LoadCaseManager;
if (LoadCaseManager == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No Load Case Manager");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.OpenLoadCaseManager();
StudyOptions = Study.StaticStudyOptions
StudyOptions.AdaptiveMethodType = 2
StudyOptions.PAdaptiveConvergenceCriteria = 0
StudyOptions.PAdaptiveErrorLimit = 1.0
StudyOptions.PAdaptiveMaxIterations = 4
StudyOptions.PAdaptiveMaxPOrder = 5
StudyOptions.PAdaptiveStartingPOrder = 2
StudyOptions.PAdaptiveStrainEnergyErrorLimit = 2.0
StudyOptions.IncludeRemarkInReport = 1
StudyOptions.RemarkComment = "Remark comment"
StudyOptions.NoPenetration = 1
StudyOptions.IgnoreClearanceForSurfaceContact = 1
StudyOptions.IncompatibleBondingOption =
StudyOptions.IncludeGlobalFriction = 1
StudyOptions.FrictionCoefficient = 0.5
CWMesh = (CWMesh)Study.Mesh
CWMesh.Quality = 1
out el, out
errCode = Study.CreateMesh(0, el, tl)
'Run analysis
errCode = Study.RunAnalysis()
'Get results
CWResult = (CWResults)Study.Results
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.AddNewPrimaryLoadCase("My Load Case1");
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Primary load case not created");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.AddNewPrimaryLoadCase("My Load Case2");
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Primary load case not created");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.AddNewPrimaryLoadCase("My Load Case3");
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Primary load case not created");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.DeletePrimaryLoadCase("My Load Case3");
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Primary load case not deleted");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.SuppressOrUnSuppressPrimaryLoadCase("My Load Case2", true);
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Primary load case not suppressed");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.SuppressOrUnSuppressPrimaryLoadCase("My Load Case2", false);
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Primary load case not unsuppressed");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.RenamePrimaryLoadCase("My Load Case2", "Live Load2");
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Primary load case not renamed");
varBOOLVals[0] = false;
varLoadVals[0] = 3.5;
errCode = LoadCaseManager.SetLoadDataForPrimaryLoadCase("My Load Case1", "Pressure-1", (varBOOLVals), (varLoadVals));
if (errCode > 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load data of Pressure-1 not applied to My Load Case1");
varBOOLVals[0] = true;
varLoadVals[0] = -1;
errCode = LoadCaseManager.SetLoadDataForPrimaryLoadCase("My Load Case1", "Restraint-1", (varBOOLVals), (varLoadVals));
if (errCode > 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load data of Restraint-1 not applied to My Load Case1");
varBOOLVals[0] = false;
varLoadVals[0] = -1;
errCode = LoadCaseManager.SetLoadDataForPrimaryLoadCase("My Load Case1", "Restraint-1", (varBOOLVals), (varLoadVals));
if (errCode > 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load data of Restraint-1 not applied to My Load Case1");
varBOOLVals[0] = false;
varLoadVals[0] = 6.5;
errCode = LoadCaseManager.SetLoadDataForPrimaryLoadCase("Live Load2", "Pressure-1", (varBOOLVals), (varLoadVals));
if (errCode > 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load data of Pressure-1 not applied to Live Load2");
varRetLoadVals = (object[])LoadCaseManager.GetLoadDataForPrimaryLoadCase("Live Load2", "Pressure-1", out varRetBOOLVals[0]);
strCombination = "\"My Load Case1\" + \"Live Load2\"";
errCode = LoadCaseManager.AddNewLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination1", strCombination);
if (errCode > 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination1 not added");
strCombination = "2*(sin(30)*\"My Load Case1\"*(1 + 1) + (4 - 2)*\"Live Load2\"*cos(60))";
errCode = LoadCaseManager.AddNewLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination2", strCombination);
if (errCode > 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination2 not added");
strCombination = "\"My Load Case1\" + \"Live Load2\"";
errCode = LoadCaseManager.AddNewLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination3", strCombination);
if (errCode > 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination3 not added");
strCombination = "\"My Load Case1\" + \"Live Load2\"";
errCode = LoadCaseManager.AddNewLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination4", strCombination);
if (errCode > 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination4 not added");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.DeleteLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination3");
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination3 not deleted");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.DeleteLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination4");
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination4 cannot be deleted");
strCombination = "\"My Load Case1\" + \"Live Load2\"";
errCode = LoadCaseManager.AddNewLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination3", strCombination);
if (errCode > 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination3 not added");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.SuppressOrUnSuppressLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination2", true);
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination2 not suppressed");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.SuppressOrUnSuppressLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination2", false);
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination2 not unsuppressed");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.SuppressOrUnSuppressLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination3", true);
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination3 not suppressed");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.RenameLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination2", "My Combination2");
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination2 not renamed");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.RenameLoadCaseCombination("My Combination2", "Load Case Combination2");
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination2 not renamed");
strCombination = "\"My Load Case1\" * \"Live Load2\"";
errCode = LoadCaseManager.SetEquationForLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination1", strCombination);
if (errCode == 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination1 equation not set");
strCombination = "(\"My Load Case1\"*2 + \"Live Load2\"*2)/2";
errCode = LoadCaseManager.SetEquationForLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination1", strCombination);
if (errCode > 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination1 equation not set");
retStrCombination = LoadCaseManager.GetEquationForLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination1");
errCode = retStrCombination.CompareTo(strCombination);
if (errCode < 0 | errCode > 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination1 equation not returned");
PrimaryCases = LoadCaseManager.GetAllPrimaryLoadCaseNames();
SecondaryCases = LoadCaseManager.GetAllLoadCaseCombinationNames();
errCode = LoadCaseManager.RunLoadCases(true, true);
if (errCode > 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load cases failed to run");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.ShowResultsViewTab();
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Cannot display Results View tab");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.LoadResultsOfPrimaryLoadCase("My Load Case1");
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "My Load Case1 results not loaded");
CWResult = Study.Results;
if (CWResult == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No CWResults object");
CWCFf = CWResult.CreatePlot((int)swsPlotResultTypes_e.swsResultDisplacementOrAmplitude, (int)swsStaticResultDisplacementComponentTypes_e.swsStaticDisplacement_URES, (int
swsUnit_e.swsUnitSI, false, out errCode);
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.LoadResultsOfPrimaryLoadCase("Live Load2");
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Live Load2 results not loaded");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.LoadResultsOfLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination1");
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination1 results not loaded");
bSuccess = LoadCaseManager.LoadResultsOfLoadCaseCombination("Load Case Combination2");
if (bSuccess == false)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Load Case Combination2 results not loaded");
public void ErrorMsg(SldWorks SwApp, string Message)
SwApp.SendMsgToUser2(Message, 0, 0);
SwApp.RecordLine("'*** WARNING - General");
SwApp.RecordLine("'*** " + Message);
/// <summary>
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
/// </summary>
public SldWorks swApp;