Add Remote Load Example (VBA)
This example shows how to add a remote load to a static study.
NOTE: To get persistent reference
identifiers (PIDs) for model selections, you can use
or IModelDocExtension::GetPersistReference3.
' Preconditions:
' 1. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation as an add-in (in SOLIDWORKS, click
' Tools > Add-ins > SOLIDWORKS Simulation > OK).
' 2. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation type library as a reference (in the IDE,
' click Tools > References > SOLIDWORKS
Simulation version type library).
' 3. Ensure that the specified material libaray exists.
' 4. Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\api\Mxd_asm.sldasm.
' Postconditions:
' 1. Creates study, Static_Mixed6.
' 2. Inspect the Immediate window for the remote load settings and
' analysis results.
' NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim SwApp
As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim Part
As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim CWAddinCallBack As CosmosWorksLib.CWAddinCallBack
Dim ActDoc
As CosmosWorksLib.CWModelDoc
Dim StudyMngr As
Dim Study
As CosmosWorksLib.CWStudy
Dim SolidMgr As
Dim SolidComp As
Dim SolidBody As
Dim ShellMgr As
Dim ShellMat As
Dim LBCMgr
As CosmosWorksLib.CWLoadsAndRestraintsManager
Dim CWContactMgr As
Dim CWFeatObj As
Dim StaticOptions As
Dim errCode
As Long
Dim boolstatus As Boolean
Dim pDisp3
As Object
Dim DispArray1 As Variant
Dim DispArray2 As Variant
Dim DispArray3 As Variant
Dim DispArray4 As Variant
Dim DispArray5 As Variant
Dim Disp
As Variant
Dim Stress
As Variant
Const MeshEleSize As Double =
4.48279654351123 'mm
Const MeshTol As Double =
0.224139827175561 'mm
Const Tol1
As Double = 0.05 '5%
Const URESMax
As Double = 0.488 'mm
Const VONMax As
Double = 93.8 'MPa
Dim PIDCollection As New
Set PIDCollection = PIDInitializer()
Set SwApp = Application.SldWorks
If SwApp Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set Part = SwApp.ActiveDoc
Dim strMaterialLib As String
strMaterialLib = SwApp.GetExecutablePath & "\lang\english\sldmaterials\solidworks
DispArray1 = Array(SelectByPID(Part,
"selection1", PIDCollection))
DispArray2 = Array(SelectByPID(Part, "selection2",
DispArray3 = Array(SelectByPID(Part, "selection1",
DispArray4 = Array(SelectByPID(Part, "selection4",
DispArray5 = Array(SelectByPID(Part, "selection5",
Set CWAddinCallBack =
If CWAddinCallBack Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "CWAddinCallBack
object not found"
object not found"
'Get active document
Set ActDoc = COSMOSWORKS.ActiveDoc()
If ActDoc Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get
active document"
'Create new static study
Set StudyMngr = ActDoc.StudyManager()
If StudyMngr Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get
CWStudyManager object"
Set Study = StudyMngr.CreateNewStudy3("Static_Mixed6",
swsAnalysisStudyType_e.swsAnalysisStudyTypeStatic, 0, errCode)
If Study Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to create
new study"
'Add materials
Set SolidMgr = Study.SolidManager
If SolidMgr Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get
CWSolidManager object"
Set SolidComp = SolidMgr.GetComponentAt(1, errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get solid
Set SolidBody = SolidComp.GetSolidBodyAt(0, errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get solid
boolstatus = SolidBody.SetLibraryMaterial(strMaterialLib, "AISI
If boolstatus = False Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to apply
'Define shells
Set ShellMgr = Study.ShellManager
If ShellMgr Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get
CWShellManager object"
Dim CWShellObj As CosmosWorksLib.CWShell
Set CWShellObj = ShellMgr.GetShellAt(0, errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get
CWShell object"
Set ShellMat =
If ShellMat Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get
default material for shell"
ShellMat.MaterialUnits = 0
Call ShellMat.SetPropertyByName("EX", 120000000000#, 0)
Call ShellMat.SetPropertyByName("NUXY", 0.31, 0)
errCode = CWShellObj.SetShellMaterial(ShellMat)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to apply
Call CWShellObj.ShellBeginEdit
CWShellObj.Formulation = 0
CWShellObj.ShellUnit = 0
CWShellObj.ShellThickness = 3
errCode = CWShellObj.ShellEndEdit
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to create shell"
Set CWShellObj = Nothing
'Add fixed restraint
Set LBCMgr = Study.LoadsAndRestraintsManager
If LBCMgr Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "No
CWLoadsAndRestraintsManager object"
Dim CWRemoteLoad As
Set CWRemoteLoad = LBCMgr.AddRemoteLoad(0,
(DispArray2), 0, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to create fixed
remote load"
CWRemoteLoad.SetLocationValues 4.5, 5.6, 6.7
Debug.Print "Load type as defined in
swsRemoteLoadType_e: " & CWRemoteLoad.LoadType
Debug.Print "Force unit as defined in swsForceUnit_e: " &
Debug.Print "Location unit as defined in swsLinearUnit_e: " &
Debug.Print "Moment unit as defined in swsMomentUnit_e: " &
Dim binclude As Long
Dim bxvalue As Long
Dim dxvalue As Double
Dim byvalue As Long
Dim dyvalue As Double
Dim bzvalue As Long
Dim dzvalue As Double
CWRemoteLoad.GetForceOrTranslationValues2 binclude,
bxvalue, dxvalue, byvalue, dyvalue, bzvalue, dzvalue
Debug.Print "Include force in analysis? (-1=yes) " & binclude
Debug.Print "x-component of remote force? (-1=yes) " & bxvalue
Debug.Print "x-component value: " & dxvalue
Debug.Print "y-component of remote force? (-1=yes) " & byvalue
Debug.Print "y-component value: " & dyvalue
Debug.Print "z-component of remote force? (-1=yes) " & bzvalue
Debug.Print "z-component value: " & dzvalue
dxvalue, dyvalue, dzvalue
Debug.Print "x-component of remote location: " & dxvalue
Debug.Print "y-component of remote location: " & dyvalue
Debug.Print "z-component of remote location: " & dzvalue
binclude, bxvalue, dxvalue, byvalue, dyvalue, bzvalue, dzvalue
Debug.Print "x-component of remote moment? (-1=yes) " &
Debug.Print "x-component value: " & dxvalue
Debug.Print "y-component of remote moment? (-1=yes) " &
Debug.Print "y-component value: " & dyvalue
Debug.Print "z-component of remote moment? (-1=yes) " &
Debug.Print "z-component value: " & dzvalue
Set CWRemoteLoad = Nothing
'Create normal pressure
Dim CWPressure As CosmosWorksLib.CWPressure
Set pDisp3 = SelectByPID(Part, "selection3", PIDCollection)
Set CWPressure = LBCMgr.AddPressure(1, (DispArray3), pDisp3, errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to create
CWPressure object"
Call CWPressure.PressureBeginEdit
CWPressure.Unit = 1
CWPressure.Value = -12
errCode = CWPressure.PressureEndEdit
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to apply
pressure value"
Set CWPressure = Nothing
Dim CWContactObj As
Set CWContactMgr = Study.ContactManager
Set CWContactObj = CWContactMgr.CreateContactSet(1,
(DispArray4), (DispArray5), errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to create
CWContactSet object"
Set CWContactObj = Nothing
Dim CWMeshObj As CosmosWorksLib.CWMesh
Set CWMeshObj = Study.Mesh
If CWMeshObj Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to
create CWMesh object"
CWMeshObj.MesherType = 0
CWMeshObj.Quality = 0
errCode = Study.CreateMesh(0, MeshEleSize, MeshTol)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to create mesh"
Set CWMeshObj = Nothing
'Set solver type to Automatic
Set StaticOptions = Study.StaticStudyOptions
If StaticOptions Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to
get CWStaticStudyOptions object"
StaticOptions.SolverType = 0
StaticOptions.UseSoftSpring = 1
StaticOptions.LargeDisplacement = 0
'Run analysis
errCode = Study.RunAnalysis
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Analysis failed
with error as defined in swsRunAnalysisError_e: " & errCode
'Get results
Set CWFeatObj = Study.Results
If CWFeatObj Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get
CWResults object"
'Get min/max URES displacement
Disp = CWFeatObj.GetMinMaxDisplacement(3, 0, Nothing, 0, errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get
displacement result"
'Compare max resultant disp with URESMax
If (Disp(3) < (1 - Tol1) * URESMax) Or (Disp(3) > (1 + Tol1)
* URESMax) Then
Debug.Print "URES displacement %
error = " & (((Disp(3) - URESMax) / URESMax) * 100)
End If
'Get min/max von Mises stress
Stress = CWFeatObj.GetMinMaxStress(9, 0, 0, Nothing, 3, errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get stress
'Compare max von Mises stress with VONMax
If (Stress(3) < (1 - Tol1) * VONMax) Or (Stress(3) > (1 +
Tol1) * VONMax) Then
Debug.Print "VON Mises stress % error
= " & (((Stress(3) - VONMax) / VONMax) * 100)
End If
Set CWFeatObj = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ErrorMsg(SwApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, Message As String)
SwApp.SendMsgToUser2 Message, 0, 0
SwApp.RecordLine "'*** WARNING - General"
SwApp.RecordLine "'*** " & Message
SwApp.RecordLine ""
End Sub
Function SelectByPID(Part As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, PIDName As
String, PIDCollection As Collection) As Object
Dim PID() As Byte
Dim PIDVariant As Variant
Dim PIDString As String
Dim i
As Integer
Dim SelObj As Object
'Get the string from the collection
PIDString = ""
PIDString = PIDCollection.Item(PIDName)
'Parse the string into an array
PIDVariant = Split(PIDString, ",")
ReDim PID(UBound(PIDVariant))
'Change to a byte array
For i = 0 To (UBound(PIDVariant) - 1)
PID(i) = PIDVariant(i)
Next i
'Select the entity
Set SelObj = Part.Extension.GetObjectByPersistReference((PID))
Set SelectByPID = SelObj
Set SelObj = Nothing
End Function
Function PIDInitializer() As Collection
Dim PIDCollection As New Collection
Dim selection1 As String
Dim selection2 As String
Dim selection3 As String
Dim selection4 As String
Dim selection5 As String
selection1 =
selection1 = selection1 &
selection1 = selection1 & ",Type=1"
selection2 =
selection2 = selection2 &
selection2 = selection2 & ",Type=1"
selection3 =
selection3 = selection3 &
selection3 = selection3 & ",Type=1"
selection4 =
selection4 = selection4 &
selection4 = selection4 & ",Type=1"
selection5 =
selection5 = selection5 &
selection5 = selection5 & ",Type=1"
'Store constants in a collection
PIDCollection.Add selection1, "selection1"
PIDCollection.Add selection2, "selection2"
PIDCollection.Add selection3, "selection3"
PIDCollection.Add selection4, "selection4"
PIDCollection.Add selection5, "selection5"
Set PIDInitializer = PIDCollection
End Function