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Create Drop Test Study Example (VBA)

This example shows how to create a drop test study.

NOTE: To get persistent reference identifiers (PIDs) for model selections, you can use pidcollector.exe or IModelDocExtension::GetPersistReference3.

' Preconditions:
' 1. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation as an add-in (in SOLIDWORKS, click
'    Tools > Add-ins > SOLIDWORKS Simulation > OK).
' 2. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation type library as a reference (in the IDE,
'    click Tools > References > SOLIDWORKS Simulation version type library).
' 3. Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\api\KeyPad_1.sldasm.
' Postconditions:
'  1. Creates a default drop test study results plot.
'  2. Creates drop test study, Study 2.
'  3. Applies Nylon 101 SOLIDWORKS material to all components.
'  4. Meshes the model.
'  5. Sets drop height to 1000 mm.
'  6. Runs the analysis.
'  7. Validates the von Mises stress results.
'  8. When the macro stops:
'     a. Inspect the Immediate window for the 1000 mm drop test study's setup
'        and result options.
'     b. Inspect the default drop test study results plot.
'     c. Press F5 to continue.
'  9. Changes drop height to 2000 mm.
' 10. Re-runs the analysis.
' 11. Inspect the results folder.
' NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Dim SwApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim Part As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim CWAddinCallBack As CosmosWorksLib.CWAddinCallBack
Dim ActDoc As CosmosWorksLib.CWModelDoc
Dim StudyMngr As CosmosWorksLib.CWStudyManager
Dim Study As CosmosWorksLib.CWStudy
Dim CWMesh As CosmosWorksLib.CWMesh

Dim CWFeatObj As CosmosWorksLib.CWResults
Dim SolidMgr As CosmosWorksLib.CWSolidManager
Dim SolidComponent As CosmosWorksLib.CWSolidComponent
Dim Solidbody As CosmosWorksLib.CWSolidBody
Dim Setup As CosmosWorksLib.CWDropTestSetup
Dim ResultOptions As CosmosWorksLib.CWDropTestResultOptions
Dim StudyOptions As CosmosWorksLib.CWDropTestStudyOptions
Dim Selection As Object

Dim CosmosFolder As String
Dim sLibWithPathname As String, sMaterialName As String, sName As String

Dim errCode As Long
Dim VMS1000 As Double, VMS2000 As Double, Stress As Variant
Dim nStep As Long, CompCount As Long, j As Long, Height As Double

Dim bApp As Long
Dim PIDCollection As New Collection
Dim Tol As Double, A As Double, B As Double

Option Explicit
Sub main()

    Set PIDCollection = PIDInitializer()

    Tol = 0.25                                '25% tolerance
    VMS1000 = 7314431                         'maximum von Mises stress at step 25 for drop height = 1000 mm
    VMS2000 = 10389063                        'maximum von Mises stress at step 25 for drop height = 2000 mm

    Set SwApp = Application.SldWorks
    If SwApp Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    CosmosFolder = SwApp.GetExecutablePath

    Set Part = SwApp.ActiveDoc

    Set CWAddinCallBack = SwApp.GetAddInObject("SldWorks.Simulation")

    Set ActDoc = COSMOSWORKS.ActiveDoc()

    ' Add a default drop test study results plot
    bApp = ActDoc.AddDefaultDropTestStudyPlot(swsDropTestResultElementalStress, swsStressComponentVON)

    Set StudyMngr = ActDoc.StudyManager()

    'Create a drop test study
    Set Study = StudyMngr.CreateNewStudy3("Study 2", 6, 0, errCode)
    If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to create a drop test study"

    Set StudyOptions = Study.DropTestStudyOptions
    Debug.Print "Study results folder: " & StudyOptions.ResultFolder
    Debug.Print "Study displacement formulation (True = large): " & StudyOptions.LargeDisplacement2
    Set ResultOptions = Study.DropTestResultOptions
    Debug.Print "Number of graph steps: " & ResultOptions.NoOfGraphSteps
    Debug.Print "Number of plots: " & ResultOptions.NoOfPlots
    Debug.Print "Save results from starting time (sec): " & ResultOptions.SaveResultsStartingTime
    Debug.Print "Time to solve after impact (sec): " & ResultOptions.SolutionTimeAfterImpact

    'Create mesh
    Set CWMesh = Study.Mesh
    CWMesh.MesherType = 0                                       'standard mesh = 0, CB mesh = 1
    CWMesh.Quality = 0                                          'draft = 0, high quality = 1
    errCode = Study.CreateMesh(0, 2, 0.05)                      'create mesh, 0-1-2-3-4 : mm-cm-m-in-ft

    'Apply material
    sLibWithPathname = CosmosFolder & "\lang\english\sldmaterials\solidworks materials.sldmat"
    sMaterialName = "Nylon 101"                                'Nylon 101 SOLIDWORKS material
    Set SolidMgr = Study.SolidManager
    CompCount = SolidMgr.ComponentCount
    For j = 0 To (CompCount - 1)                               'Apply material to all solid components
        Set SolidComponent = SolidMgr.GetComponentAt(j, errCode)
        sName = SolidComponent.ComponentName
        Set Solidbody = SolidComponent.GetSolidBodyAt(0, errCode)
        bApp = Solidbody.SetLibraryMaterial(sLibWithPathname, sMaterialName)
        Set Solidbody = Nothing
    Next j

    'Assign drop test setup
    Set Selection = SelectByPID(Part, "selection1", PIDCollection)
    Set Setup = Study.AddDropTestSetup(Selection, errCode)
    If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to create DropTestSetup object"
    If Setup Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get DropTestSetup object"
    Height = Setup.DropHeight
    If Height <> 1000 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to validate drop height = 1000 mm from original Study 1"

    Debug.Print "Critical damping ratio: " & Setup.CriticalDampingRatio
    Debug.Print "Drop height (mm): " & Setup.DropHeight
    Debug.Print "Drop height type (swsDropHeightType_e): " & Setup.DropHeightType
    Debug.Print "Drop height units (swsLinearUnit_e): " & Setup.DropHeightUnit
    Debug.Print "Drop type (swsDropType_e): " & Setup.DropType
Debug.Print "Reverse gravity direction? (True = yes) " & Setup.FlipGravityDirection2
    Debug.Print "Reverse velocity direction? (True = yes) " & Setup.FlipVelocityDirection2
    Debug.Print "Coefficient of friction: " & Setup.FrictionCoefficient
    Debug.Print "Gravity magnitude: " & Setup.Gravity
    Debug.Print "Gravity units (swsAccelerationUnit_e): " & Setup.GravityUnit
    Debug.Print "Mass density of impact layer: " & Setup.MassDensity
    Debug.Print "Stiffness per unit area normal to impact plane: " & Setup.NormalStiffness
    Debug.Print "Units of stiffness (swsUnitSystem_e): " & Setup.StiffnessUnit
    Debug.Print "Stiffness per unit area parallel to the impact plane: " & Setup.TangentialStiffness
    Debug.Print "Orientation of impact plane (swsDropTargetOrientationType_e): " & Setup.TargetOrientationType
    Debug.Print "Stiffness type (swsDropTargetStiffnessType_e): " & Setup.TargetStiffnessType
    Debug.Print "Thickness of the impact layer: " & Setup.TargetThickness
    Debug.Print "Units of thickness (swsLinearUnit_e): " & Setup.ThicknessUnit
    Debug.Print "Velocity at impact: " & Setup.Velocity
    Debug.Print "Units of velocity (swsVelocityUnit_e): " & Setup.VelocityUnit

    'Run study for drop height = 1000 mm
    errCode = Study.RunAnalysis
    If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to run study (drop height = 1000 mm)"
    Set CWFeatObj = Study.Results
    If CWFeatObj Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get Result Object (drop height = 1000 mm)"
    nStep = CWFeatObj.GetMaximumAvailableSteps         'nStep = last step of study
    If nStep <> 25 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Total number of steps in result is incorrect (drop height = 1000 mm)"
    Stress = CWFeatObj.GetMinMaxStress(9, 0, nStep, Nothing, 0, errCode)
    If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get von Mises stress result for drop height = 1000 mm"
        A = Stress(3)
        B = VMS1000
        If ResultsVer(A, B, Tol) = True Then
        ErrorMsg SwApp, "The von Mises stress result for drop height = 1000 mm has % error = " & ResultsError(A, B, Tol)
    End If

    'Change drop height from 1000 mm to 2000 mm
    Setup.DropType = 0
    Setup.DropHeightType = 0
    Setup.DropHeight = 2000
    Setup.DropHeightUnit = 0
    errCode = Setup.DropTestSetupEndEdit

    If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to make change to drop height"
    Height = Setup.DropHeight
    If Height <> 2000 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to correctly change drop height to 2000 mm"

    Stop ' Inspect results for drop height = 1000 mm

    'Run study for drop height = 2000 mm
    errCode = Study.RunAnalysis
    If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to run study (drop height = 2000 mm)"
    Set CWFeatObj = Study.Results
    If CWFeatObj Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get Result Object (drop height = 2000 mm) "
    nStep = CWFeatObj.GetMaximumAvailableSteps         'nStep = last step of study
    If nStep <> 25 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Total number of steps in result is incorrect (drop height = 2000 mm)"
    Stress = CWFeatObj.GetMinMaxStress(9, 0, nStep, Nothing, 0, errCode)
    If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get von Mises stress result for drop height = 2000 mm"
        A = Stress(3)
        B = VMS2000
        If A < VMS1000 Or A = VMS1000 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "The von Mises stress for drop height = 2000 mm is less than or equal to drop height = 1000 mm."
        If ResultsVer(A, B, Tol) = True Then
        ErrorMsg SwApp, "The von Mises stress result for drop height = 2000 mm has % error = " & ResultsError(A, B, Tol)
    End If

End Sub

Function ResultsVer(ActualResult As Variant, ReferenceResult As Variant, Tolerance As Double) As Boolean
    ResultsVer = (ActualResult < (1 - Tolerance) * ReferenceResult) Or (ActualResult > (1 + Tolerance) * ReferenceResult)
End Function

Function ResultsError(ActualResult As Variant, ReferenceResult As Variant, Tolerence As Double) As Double
    ResultsError = (ActualResult - ReferenceResult) / ReferenceResult * 100
End Function

Sub ErrorMsg(SwApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, Message As String)
    SwApp.SendMsgToUser2 Message, 0, 0
    SwApp.RecordLine "'*** WARNING - General"
    SwApp.RecordLine "'*** " & Message
    SwApp.RecordLine ""
End Sub

Function SelectByPID(nPart As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, PIDName As String, PIDCollection As Collection) As Object
    Dim PID() As Byte
    Dim PIDVariant As Variant
    Dim PIDString As String
    Dim EntityType As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim SelObj As Object

    'Get the string from the collection
    PIDString = ""
    PIDString = PIDCollection.Item(PIDName)
    'Parse the string into an array
    PIDVariant = Split(PIDString, ",")
    ReDim PID(UBound(PIDVariant))
    'Change to a byte array
    For i = 0 To (UBound(PIDVariant) - 1)
        PID(i) = PIDVariant(i)
    Next i
    'Select the entity
    Set SelObj = nPart.Extension.GetObjectByPersistReference3((PID), errCode)
    Set SelectByPID = SelObj
    Set SelObj = Nothing
End Function

Function PIDInitializer() As Collection
Dim PIDCollection As New Collection

    Dim selection1 As String

    selection1 = "230,35,0,0,3,0,0,0,255,254,255,17,112,0,97,0,100,0,95,0,49,0,45,0,49,0,64,0,107,0,101,0,121,0,32,0,112,0,97,0,100,0,95,0,49,0,4,0,0,0,16,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,51,0,0,0,255,255,1,0,11,0,109,111,70,97,99,101,82,101,102,95,99,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,125,195,148,37,173,73,178,84,125,195,148,37,173,73,178,84,0,0,255,255,1,0,20,0,109,111,69,110,100,70,97,99,101,83,117,114,102,73,100,82,101,112,95,99,0,0,255,255,1,0,6,0,109,111,70,82,95,99,255,255,1,0,13,0,109,111,69,120,116,79,98,106,101,99,116,95,99,255,255,1,0,17,0,109,111,67,83,116,114,105,110,103,72,97,110,100,108,101,95,99,255,254,255,55,92,0,92,0,112,0,117,0,110,0,45,0,113,0,97,0,115,0,118,0,114,0,45,0,112,0,108,0,112,0,92,0,81,0,97,0,95,0,100,0,111,0,99,0,117,0,109,0,101,0,110,0,116,0,115,0,92,0,77,0,111,0,98,0,105,0,108,0,101,0,72,0,97,0,110,0,100,0,115,0,101,0,116,0,92,0,80,0,97,0,100,0,95,0,49,0,46,0,83,0,76,0,68,0,80,0,82,0,84,0,9,128,255,254,255,5,80,0,97,0,100,0,95,0,49,0,2,0,0,0,86,29,67,255,254,2"
    selection1 = selection1 & "55,0,255,254,255,0,0,56,86,29,67,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,255,254,255,7,68,0,101,0,102,0,97,0,117,0,108,0,116,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,56,86,29,67,26,0,0,0,56,86,29,67,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255,255,1,0,23,0,109,111,70,114,111,109,83,107,116,69,110,116,83,117,114,102,73,100,82,101,112,95,99,0,0,5,128,8,0,26,0,0,0,56,86,29,67,1,0,0,0,12,128,0,0,5,128,8,0,26,0,0,0,56,86,29,67,2,0,0,0,12,128,0,0,5,128,8,0,26,0,0,0,56,86,29,67,3,0,0,0,12,128,0,0,5,128,8,0,26,0,0,0,56,86,29,67,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
    selection1 = selection1 & ",Type=1"

    'Store constants in a collection
    PIDCollection.Add selection1, "selection1"

    Set PIDInitializer = PIDCollection
End Function


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