This example shows how to create a linear harmonic dynamic study.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation as an add-in (in SOLIDWORKS, click
// Tools > Add-ins > SOLIDWORKS Simulation
> OK).
// 2. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation primary interop assembly as a reference
// (in the IDE, click Project > Add Reference > .NET >
// SolidWorks.Interop.cosworks > OK).
// 3. Ensure that the specified file to open exists.
// 4. Ensure that the c:\temp folder exists.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Opens the specified file.
// 2. Creates a linear harmonic dynamic study.
// 3. Runs an analysis.
// 4. Prints the study options and results to the Immediate window.
// 5. Saves the solution step, displacement, velocity,
// and stress result files to c:\temp.
// 6. Right-click the Stress1 or Displacement1 plot in the Results folder
// and click Show to plot the results in color in the graphics area.
// NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere,
do not save any changes.
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.cosworks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace CreateDynHarmStudy_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 Part = default(ModelDoc2);
CosmosWorks COSMOSWORKS = default(CosmosWorks);
CwAddincallback CWAddinCallBack = default(CwAddincallback);
CWModelDoc ActDoc = default(CWModelDoc);
CWStudyManager StudyMngr = default(CWStudyManager);
CWStudy Study = default(CWStudy);
CWShellManager ShellMgr = default(CWShellManager);
CWMaterial ShellMat = default(CWMaterial);
CWLoadsAndRestraintsManager LBCMgr = default(CWLoadsAndRestraintsManager);
CWBaseExcitation CWBaseExcitationU = default(CWBaseExcitation);
CWDistributedMass CWDistribMass = default(CWDistributedMass);
object CWBaseExcitationEntity = null;
object CWDirectionEntity = null;
int longstatus = 0;
int longwarnings = 0;
int errCode = 0;
bool boolstatus = false;
int nStep = 0;
object pDisp5 = null;
object[] DispArray1 = new object[1];
object[] DispArray3 = new object[1];
object[] Disp = null;
object[] Stress = null;
object[] Velocity = null;
object[] Acceleration = null;
string sStudyName = null;
CWStudyResultOptions ResultOptions = default(CWStudyResultOptions);
CWDampingOptions DampingOptions = default(CWDampingOptions);
object[] DampingRatios = new object[9];
int i = 0;
//Tolerances and baselines
const double MeshEleSize = 26.5868077635828;
const double MeshTol = 1.32934038817914;
//Open document
Part = swApp.OpenDoc6("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\lineardynamic.SLDPRT", (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART, (int) swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref longstatus, ref longwarnings);
if (Part == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to open lineardynamic.SLDPRT");
//Add-in callback
CWAddinCallBack = (CwAddincallback)swApp.GetAddInObject("CosmosWorks.CosmosWorks");
if (CWAddinCallBack == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to get CwAddincallback object");
COSMOSWORKS = CWAddinCallBack.CosmosWorks;
if (COSMOSWORKS == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to get CosmosWorks object");
//Get active document
ActDoc = COSMOSWORKS.ActiveDoc;
if (ActDoc == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to get active document");
//Create a dynamic harmonic study
StudyMngr = ActDoc.StudyManager;
if (StudyMngr == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to get study
manager object");
sStudyName = "Dynamic_Harmonic";
Study = StudyMngr.CreateNewStudy3(sStudyName, (int)swsAnalysisStudyType_e.swsAnalysisStudyTypeDynamic, (int)swsDynamicAnalysisSubType_e.swsDynamicAnalysisSubTypeHarmonic, out errCode);
Debug.Print("Linear dynamic study with harmonic analysis");
Debug.Print("Study configuration name is " + Study.ConfigurationName);
Debug.Print("Dynamic analysis subtype as defined in swsAnalysisStudyType_e is " + Study.DynamicAnalysisSubType);
Debug.Print("Dynamic study options...");
CWDynamicStudyOptions DynStudyOptions = default(CWDynamicStudyOptions);
DynStudyOptions = Study.DynamicStudyOptions;
int freqOption = 0;
double freqValue = 0;
bool bChecked = false;
errCode = DynStudyOptions.GetFrequencyOption2(out freqOption, out freqValue);
Debug.Print(" Frequency option (0=number of frequencies, 1=upper bound): " + freqOption);
Debug.Print(" No. of frequencies or upper-bound frequency: " + freqValue);
errCode = DynStudyOptions.GetFrequencyShiftOption2(out bChecked, out freqValue);
Debug.Print(" Is frequency shift enabled (0=no, 1=yes)? " + bChecked);
Debug.Print(" Frequency shift: " + freqValue);
errCode = DynStudyOptions.SetIncompatibleBondingOption2(0);
// automatic
errCode = DynStudyOptions.SetUseSoftSpring3(0);
// do not use soft springs to stabilize model
errCode = DynStudyOptions.SetResultFolderPath2("c:\\temp");
DynStudyOptions.SolverType = 2;
// FFEPlus
double harmbandwidth = 0;
errCode = DynStudyOptions.GetHarmonicBandwidth2(out harmbandwidth);
Debug.Print(" Harmonic bandwidth: " + harmbandwidth);
double freqLowerLimit = 0;
errCode = DynStudyOptions.GetHarmonicFrequencyLowerLimit2(out freqLowerLimit);
Debug.Print(" Harmonic frequency lower limit: " + freqLowerLimit);
double freqUpperLimit = 0;
errCode = DynStudyOptions.GetHarmonicFrequencyUpperLimit2(out freqUpperLimit);
Debug.Print(" Harmonic frequency upper limit: " + freqUpperLimit);
int freqUnits = 0;
errCode = DynStudyOptions.GetHarmonicFrequencyUnits2(out freqUnits);
Debug.Print(" Harmonic frequency units (0=rad/sec, 1=Hz): " + freqUnits);
int interpolation = 0;
errCode = DynStudyOptions.GetHarmonicInterpolation2(out interpolation);
Debug.Print(" Harmonic interpolation (0=logarithmic, 1=linear): " + interpolation);
int points = 0;
errCode = DynStudyOptions.GetHarmonicNoOfPoints2(out points);
Debug.Print(" Harmonic number of points for each frequency: " + points);
//Set study result options
Debug.Print("Study result options...");
ResultOptions = Study.StudyResultOptions;
ResultOptions.SaveResultsForSolutionStepsOption = 1;
// save solution step results
ResultOptions.SaveDisplacementsAndVelocitiesOption = 1;
// save displacements and velocities
= ResultOptions.SetSaveStressAndReactionsOptions2(-1,
// save stresses and reactions for all
stress components
//Solution step set #1
errCode = ResultOptions.SetSolutionStepsSetInformation(1, 10, 100, 3);
Debug.Print(" Set solution steps set #1 (10-100, inc=3)? (0=success): " + errCode);
//Solution step set #3
errCode = ResultOptions.SetSolutionStepsSetInformation(3, 100, 1000, 5);
Debug.Print(" Set solution steps set #3 (100-1000, inc=5)? (0=success): " + errCode);
//Set damping options
DampingOptions = Study.DampingOptions;
DampingOptions.DampingType = 0;
//modal damping
DampingOptions.ComputeFromMaterialDamping2 = 0; // do not use material damping ratios
DampingRatios[0] = 1;
DampingRatios[1] = 5;
DampingRatios[2] = 3.45;
DampingRatios[3] = 6;
DampingRatios[4] = 15;
DampingRatios[5] = 15;
DampingRatios[6] = 16;
DampingRatios[7] = 25;
DampingRatios[8] = 34.5;
errCode = DampingOptions.SetDampingRatios(3, (DampingRatios));
object PID = null;
object SelObj = null;
object obj = null;
//Get face by persistent ID
boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID2("", "FACE", 0.367377178180561, 0.0153999999998859, -0.443699715030164, false, 0, null, 0);
obj = ((SelectionMgr)(Part.SelectionManager)).GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);
PID = Part.Extension.GetPersistReference3(obj);
SelObj = Part.Extension.GetObjectByPersistReference3((PID), out errCode);
DispArray1[0] = SelObj; //Face
//Get edge by persistent ID
boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID2("", "EDGE", 0.473843326221299, 0.0160904480509885, -0.000690335842989498, false, 0, null, 0);
obj = ((SelectionMgr)(Part.SelectionManager)).GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);
PID = Part.Extension.GetPersistReference3(obj);
CWBaseExcitationEntity = Part.Extension.GetObjectByPersistReference3((PID), out errCode);
DispArray3[0] = CWBaseExcitationEntity;
//Get Axis1 reference geometry by persistent ID
boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID2("Axis1", "AXIS", -0.0320045390890095, 0.0639408825367532, -0.0319259521004658, false, 0, null, 0);
obj = ((SelectionMgr)(Part.SelectionManager)).GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);
PID = Part.Extension.GetPersistReference3(obj);
CWDirectionEntity = Part.Extension.GetObjectByPersistReference3((PID), out errCode);
pDisp5 = CWDirectionEntity;
//Add materials
ShellMgr = Study.ShellManager;
if (ShellMgr == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to get shell
manager object");
CWShell CWFeatObj1 = default(CWShell);
CWFeatObj1 = ShellMgr.GetShellAt(0, out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to get shell component");
ShellMat = CWFeatObj1.GetDefaultMaterial();
ShellMat.MaterialUnits = 0;
ShellMat.SetPropertyByName("EX", 2000000000000.0, 0);
ShellMat.SetPropertyByName("NUXY", 0.25, 0);
errCode = CWFeatObj1.SetShellMaterial(ShellMat);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to apply material");
CWFeatObj1.Formulation = 1;
// thick shell
CWFeatObj1.ShellUnit = 1;
// centimeters
CWFeatObj1.ShellThickness = 5;
// 5 cm
CWFeatObj1.ShellOffsetOption = 3;
// specify reference surface
CWFeatObj1.ShellOffsetValue = 0.3;
errCode = CWFeatObj1.ShellEndEdit();
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to create shell");
CWFeatObj1 = null;
//Get loads and restraints manager
LBCMgr = Study.LoadsAndRestraintsManager;
if (LBCMgr == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to get loads
and restraints manager");
//Create normal pressure
CWPressure CWFeatObj2 = default(CWPressure);
CWFeatObj2 = LBCMgr.AddPressure((int)swsPressureType_e.swsPressureTypeNormal, (DispArray1), null, out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to create normal pressure");
Debug.Print("Normal pressure values...");
Debug.Print(" Pressure unit in swsStrengthUnit_e units: " + CWFeatObj2.Unit);
Debug.Print(" Pressure value: " + CWFeatObj2.Value);
Debug.Print(" Pressure phase angle (-1 if not set): " + CWFeatObj2.PhaseAngle);
Debug.Print(" Pressure phase angle unit in swsPhaseAngleUnit_e units: " + CWFeatObj2.PhaseAngleUnit);
errCode = CWFeatObj2.PressureEndEdit();
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to apply normal pressure value");
CWFeatObj2 = null;
Debug.Print(" ");
//Add a restraint
CWRestraint CWFeatObj3 = default(CWRestraint);
CWFeatObj3 = LBCMgr.AddRestraint(0, (DispArray3), pDisp5, out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to create restraint");
CWFeatObj3.SetTranslationComponentsValues(0, 0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
CWFeatObj3.SetRotationComponentsValues(0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
CWFeatObj3.Unit = 2;
errCode = CWFeatObj3.RestraintEndEdit();
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Restraint
end-edit failed");
//Add uniform base excitation
CWBaseExcitationU = LBCMgr.AddUniformBaseExcitation2((int)swsBaseExcitationType_e.swsBaseExcitationType_Acceleration, CWBaseExcitationEntity, (int)swsAccelerationUnit_e.swsAccelerationUnit_InchesPerSquareSec, -1, 2.3, -1, 3.4, -1, 4.5, out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Adding uniform base excitation failed");
Debug.Print("Uniform base excitation type (0=Disp, 1=Vel, 2=Acc): " + CWBaseExcitationU.BaseExcitationType);
int bdir1 = 0;
int bdir2 = 0;
int bdir3 = 0;
int bang = 0;
CWBaseExcitationU.GetExcitationDirections2(out bdir1, out bdir2, out bdir3);
Debug.Print(" Excitation in...");
Debug.Print(" Direction 1 (-1=true)? " + bdir1);
Debug.Print(" Direction 2 (-1=true)? " + bdir2);
Debug.Print(" Direction 3 (-1=true)? " + bdir3);
double dval1 = 0;
double dval2 = 0;
double dval3 = 0;
CWBaseExcitationU.GetExcitationDirectionValues(out dval1, out dval2, out dval3);
CWBaseExcitationU.GetExcitationReverseDirections2(out bdir1, out bdir2, out bdir3, out bang);
Debug.Print(" Excitation values...");
Debug.Print(" Units as defined in swsAccelerationUnit_e: " + CWBaseExcitationU.Unit);
Debug.Print(" Direction 1: " + dval1);
Debug.Print(" Reversed? (-1=true) " + bdir1);
Debug.Print(" Direction 2: " + dval2);
Debug.Print(" Reversed? (-1=true) " + bdir2);
Debug.Print(" Direction 3: " + dval3);
Debug.Print(" Reversed? (-1=true) " + bdir3);
Debug.Print(" Phase angle (-1 if not set): " + CWBaseExcitationU.PhaseAngle);
Debug.Print(" Reversed? (-1=true) " + bang);
Debug.Print(" Units as defined in swsPhaseAngleUnit_e: " + CWBaseExcitationU.PhaseAngleUnit);
object[] curveData = null;
curveData = (object[])CWBaseExcitationU.GetTimeOrFrequencyCurve();
//variation with frequency data
Debug.Print(" Acceleration excitation variation with frequency data");
Debug.Print(" (number of points, x1, y1, x2, y2...xn, yn):");
for (i = 0; i <= curveData.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
Debug.Print(" * " + curveData[i]);
//Add distributed mass
CWDistribMass = LBCMgr.AddDistributedMass((DispArray1), 0, 1, ref errCode);
Debug.Print("Total distributed mass: " + CWDistribMass.TotalMass);
Debug.Print(" Units in swsUnitSystem_e units: " + CWDistribMass.Units);
//Create mesh
CWMesh CWFeatObj4 = default(CWMesh);
CWFeatObj4 = Study.Mesh;
if (CWFeatObj4 == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to create mesh object");
CWFeatObj4.MesherType = 0;
CWFeatObj4.Quality = 1;
errCode = Study.CreateMesh(0, MeshEleSize, MeshTol);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to create mesh");
Debug.Print("Worst Jacobian ratio for the mesh: " + CWFeatObj4.GetWorstJacobianRatio());
//Run analysis
Debug.Print("Running the analysis");
errCode = Study.RunAnalysis();
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Analysis failed with error code as
defined in swsRunAnalysisError_e:" + errCode);
//Get results
CWResults CWFeatObj5 = default(CWResults);
CWFeatObj5 = Study.Results;
if (CWFeatObj5 == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to get Results object");
Debug.Print("Study results...");
nStep = CWFeatObj5.GetMaximumAvailableSteps();
Debug.Print(" Maximum available steps: " + nStep);
//Get algebraic minimum/maximum resultant displacements
Disp = (object[])CWFeatObj5.GetMinMaxDisplacement(3, nStep, null, 0, out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to get displacement results");
Debug.Print(" Min/Max URES Resultant Displacements (Node, Min, Node, Max):");
for (i = 0; i <= Disp.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
Debug.Print(" * " + Disp[i]);
//Get algebraic minimum/maximum von Mises stresses
Stress = (object[])CWFeatObj5.GetMinMaxStress(9, 0, nStep, null, 3, out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to get stress results");
Debug.Print(" Algebraic Min/Max von Mises Stresses (Node, Min, Node, Max):");
for (i = 0; i <= Stress.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
Debug.Print(" * " + Stress[i]);
//Get algebraic minimum/maximum velocities
Velocity = (object[])CWFeatObj5.GetMinMaxVelocity(0, nStep, CWDirectionEntity, 0, out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to get velocity results");
Debug.Print(" Algebraic Min/Max Velocities (Node, Min, Node, Max):");
for (i = 0; i <= Velocity.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
Debug.Print(" * " + Velocity[i]);
//Get algebraic minimum/maximum accelerations
Acceleration = (object[])CWFeatObj5.GetMinMaxAcceleration(0, nStep, CWDirectionEntity, 0, out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to get acceleration results");
Debug.Print(" Algebraic Min/Max Accelerations (Node, Min, Node, Max):");
for (i = 0; i <= Acceleration.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
Debug.Print(" * " + Acceleration[i]);
object[] forces2 = null;
object selectedAndModelReactionFM = null;
object selectedOnlyReactionFM = null;
// Reaction forces and moments for entire model and selected face at solution step 59
forces2 = (object[])CWFeatObj5.GetReactionForcesAndMomentsWithSelections(59, null, (int)swsForceUnit_e.swsForceUnitNOrNm, (DispArray1), out selectedAndModelReactionFM, out selectedOnlyReactionFM, out errCode);
object[] selFM = (object[])selectedOnlyReactionFM;
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to get reaction forces and moments");
Debug.Print(" Reaction forces (N) and moments (N-m) for selected face ");
Debug.Print(" {xcoord_force, ycoord_force, zcoord_force, resultant_force, ");
Debug.Print(" xcoord_moment, ycoord_moment, zcoord_moment, resultant_moment}:");
for (i = 0; i <= selFM.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
Debug.Print(" * " + selFM[i]);
public void ErrorMsg(SldWorks SwApp, string Message)
SwApp.SendMsgToUser2(Message, 0, 0);
SwApp.RecordLine("'*** WARNING - General");
SwApp.RecordLine("'*** " + Message);
public SldWorks swApp;