Simultaneously Edit Multiple Component Contacts Example (VB.NET)
This example shows how to add multiple component contacts to a frequency study and
simultaneously edit them.
NOTE: To get persistent reference
identifiers (PIDs) for model selections, you can use
or IModelDocExtension::GetPersistReference3.
' Preconditions:
' 1. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation as an add-in (in SOLIDWORKS, click
' Tools > Add-ins > SOLIDWORKS Simulation > OK).
' 2. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation primary interop assembly as a reference
' (in the IDE, click Project > Add Reference > .NET >
' SolidWorks.Interop.cosworks > OK).
' 3. Ensure that the specified material library exists.
' 4. Ensure that the specified model document exists.
' 5. Open the Immediate window.
' Postconditions:
' 1. Opens the model.
' 2. Creates Frequency 1 study.
' 3. Uses a soft spring to stabilize the model.
' 4. Adds Component Contact-1 and Component Contact-2 to the
' Component Contacts folder in the Simulation study tree.
' 5. Edits simultaneously both component contacts.
' 6. Applies ductile iron to the model.
' 7. Meshes the model.
' 8. Analyzes Frequency 1.
' 9. Prints the resonant frequencies of each mode to the Immediate window.
' 10. Inspect the Immediate window, the Simulation study tree, and the
' graphics area.
' NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swconst
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.cosworks
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics
Partial Class SolidWorksMacro
Sub main()
Dim COSMOSObject As CwAddincallback
Dim ActDoc As CWModelDoc
Dim StudyMngr As CWStudyManager
Dim Study As CWStudy
Dim SolidMgr As CWSolidManager
Dim SolidComponent As CWSolidComponent
Dim SolidBody As CWSolidBody
Dim CwMesh As CWMesh
Dim CWResult As CWResults
Dim Part As ModelDoc2
Dim ContactMgr As CWContactManager
Dim CWComponentContact As CWContactComponent
Dim pDisp3 As Object, pDisp4 As Object
Dim var20 As Object = Nothing
Dim var21 As Object = Nothing
Dim Freq As Object
Dim bApp As Boolean
Dim str3 As String, str4 As String
Dim longstatus As Integer, longwarnings As Integer
Dim errCode As Integer
Dim el As Double, tl As Double
Dim i As Integer
SwApp.OpenDoc6 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2019\samples\Simulation Examples\Contact\quartereyebar.sldasm", swDocASSEMBLY, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", longstatus, longwarnings
Part = SwApp.ActiveDoc()
COSMOSObject = SwApp.GetAddInObject("SldWorks.Simulation")
If COSMOSObject Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "Failed to get Simulation add-in")
If COSMOSWORKS Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "Failed to get COSMOSWORKS")
ActDoc = COSMOSWORKS.ActiveDoc()
If ActDoc Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "Failed to get active document")
' Create new frequency study
StudyMngr = ActDoc.StudyManager()
If StudyMngr Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "Failed to get study manager")
Study = StudyMngr.CreateNewStudy3("Frequency 1", swsAnalysisStudyType_e.swsAnalysisStudyTypeFrequency, 0, errCode)
If Study Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "Failed to create frequency study")
Dim StudyOptions As ICWFrequencyStudyOptions
StudyOptions = Study.FrequencyStudyOptions
StudyOptions.UseSoftSpring = 1
str3 = "64,31,0,0,4,0,0,0,255,254,255,29,81,0,117,0,97,0,114,0,116,0,101,0,114,0,69,0,121,0,101,0,66,0,97,0,114,0,45,0,49,0,64,0,113,0,117,0,97,0,114,0,116,0,101,0,114,0,101,0,121,0,101,0,98,0,97,0,114,0,4,0,0,0,16,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,9,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,103,0,0,0,102,0,0,0,101,0,0,0"
StringtoArray(str3, var20)
pDisp3 = Part.Extension.GetObjectByPersistReference3((var20), longstatus)
str4 = "64,31,0,0,5,0,0,0,255,254,255,27,81,0,117,0,97,0,114,0,116,0,101,0,114,0,66,0,111,0,108,0,116,0,45,0,49,0,64,0,113,0,117,0,97,0,114,0,116,0,101,0,114,0,101,0,121,0,101,0,98,0,97,0,114,0,4,0,0,0,16,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,11,0,0,0"
StringtoArray(str4, var21)
pDisp4 = Part.Extension.GetObjectByPersistReference3((var21), longstatus)
ContactMgr = Study.ContactManager
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "Failed to get contact manager")
ContactMgr.DeleteContactComponent("Global Contact")
' Add bonded component contacts
CWComponentContact = ContactMgr.CreateContactComponent(swsContactType_e.swsContactTypeBonded, swsMeshCompatibility_e.swsMeshCompatibilityCompatible, pDisp3, errCode)
CWComponentContact = ContactMgr.CreateContactComponent(swsContactType_e.swsContactTypeBonded, swsMeshCompatibility_e.swsMeshCompatibilityCompatible, pDisp4, errCode)
' Simultaneously edit both component contacts
Dim multCCEM As CWMultipleComponentContactsEditManager
multCCEM = Study.MultipleComponentContactsEditManager
errCode = multCCEM.AddContactComponent("Component Contact-1")
errCode = multCCEM.AddContactComponent("Component Contact-2")
Debug.Print("Number of contact components to edit simultaneously: " & multCCEM.GetContactComponentsCount)
Debug.Print(" Setting default component contact to Component Contact-1")
errCode = multCCEM.SetAsDefaultComponentContact("Component Contact-1")
Debug.Print(" Setting contact type to Allow Penetration")
errCode = multCCEM.SetContactType(swsContactType_e.swsContactTypeFreeOrInsulated)
' Apply material to model
SolidMgr = Study.SolidManager
If SolidMgr Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "SolidMgr object not there")
SolidComponent = SolidMgr.GetComponentAt(0, errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "No solid component")
SolidBody = SolidComponent.GetSolidBodyAt(0, errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "No solid body")
bApp = SolidBody.SetLibraryMaterial("c:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\lang\english\sldmaterials\solidworks materials.sldmat", "Ductile Iron")
If bApp = False Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "No material applied")
SolidComponent = SolidMgr.GetComponentAt(1, errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "No solid component")
SolidBody = SolidComponent.GetSolidBodyAt(0, errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "No solid body")
bApp = SolidBody.SetLibraryMaterial("c:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\lang\english\sldmaterials\solidworks materials.sldmat", "Ductile Iron")
If bApp = False Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "No material applied")
' Mesh model
CwMesh = Study.Mesh
If CwMesh Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "Failed to get mesh object")
CwMesh.Quality = 1
Call CwMesh.GetDefaultElementSizeAndTolerance(swsLinearUnit_e.swsLinearUnitMillimeters, el, tl)
errCode = Study.CreateMesh(swsLinearUnit_e.swsLinearUnitMillimeters, el, tl)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "Failed to create mesh")
' Run analysis
errCode = Study.RunAnalysis
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "Analysis failed")
' Get resonant frequencies for each mode
CWResult = Study.Results
If CWResult Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "Failed to get results object")
Freq = CWResult.GetResonantFrequencies(errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg(SwApp, "Failed to get resonant frequencies")
Debug.Print("Resonant frequencies (mode number, radians/second, cycles/second, period in seconds):")
For i = 0 To UBound(Freq)
Debug.Print(" " & Freq(i))
Next i
End Sub
Sub ErrorMsg(ByVal SwApp As SldWorks, ByVal Message As String)
SwApp.SendMsgToUser2(Message, 0, 0)
SwApp.RecordLine("'*** WARNING - General")
SwApp.RecordLine("'*** " & Message)
End Sub
Sub StringtoArray(ByVal inputSTR As String, ByRef varEntity As Object)
Dim PID() As Byte
Dim i As Integer
varEntity = Split(inputSTR, ",")
ReDim PID(UBound(varEntity))
For i = 0 To (UBound(varEntity) - 1)
PID(i) = varEntity(i)
Next i
varEntity = PID
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
''' </summary>
Public swApp As SldWorks
End Class