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ICWMaterial Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ICWMaterial.

Public Properties

 PropertyCategoryGets or sets the category of the material.  
 PropertyCountGets the number of properties defined for this material.  
 PropertyDescriptionGets or sets the description for the material.  

Obsolete. Superseded by ICWMaterial::IncludeCreep2.

 PropertyIncludeCreep2Gets or sets whether to include creep effect for the material model in nonlinear studies only.  
 PropertyMaterialNameGets or sets the name of the material name.  
 PropertyMaterialUnitsGets or sets the units for the material.  
 PropertyModelTypeGets or sets the material model.  
 PropertyMooneyRivlinConstantsGets or sets the Mooney Rivlin constants for the MooneyRivlin material model used in nonlinear studies only.  
 PropertyNoOfBulkModuliGets or sets the number of bulk moduli for the viscoelastic material model used in nonlinear studies only.  
 PropertyNoOfShearModuliGets or sets the number of shear moduli for the viscoelastic material model used in nonlinear studies only.  
 PropertyOgdenConstantsGets or sets the Ogden constants used for the Ogden material model used for nonlinear studies only.  
 PropertySNCurveEstimateConstantsGets or sets whether to specify the Basquin Equation constants, B and slope (m), or let the program calculate them from the S-N curve.  
 PropertySNCurveEstimateCutoffGets or sets the cut-off point for estimating Basquin Eqation constants, B and slope (m).  
 PropertySNCurveSlopeMGets or sets the slope (m) of the S-N curve.  
 PropertySNCurveSourceGets or sets the source for the material S-N curve used in fatigue studies.  
 PropertySNCurveSpecificConstantBGets or sets the B constant of the Basquin Equation.  
 PropertySNCurveSpecificConstantBUnitGets or sets the units of the Basquin Equation constants.  
 PropertySourceReturns the source of the material.  

Public Methods

 MethodGetAustenticSteelCurveGets the austentic steel curve data.  
 MethodGetCarbonSteelCurveGets the carbon steel curve data.  
 MethodGetFatigueSNCurveGets the fatigue S-N curve data for user-defined curve sources.  
 MethodGetMaterialDataCurveObsolete. Superseded by ICWMaterial::GetMaterialDataCurve3.  
 MethodGetMaterialDataCurve3Gets the material data curve.  
 MethodGetPropertyByNameObsolete. Superseded by erICWMaterial::GetPropertyByName2.  
 MethodGetPropertyByName2Gets the value of the material property by the property name.  
 MethodGetReferencePlaneNameGets the name of the reference plane or reference axis used to specify material properties for orthotropic materials.  
 MethodGetStressStrainCurveGets the stress strain curve data.  
 MethodGetTemperatureCurveForPropertyGets the temperature curve data for the material property.  
 MethodSetFatigueSNCurveSets the fatigue S-N curve data for user-defined curve sources.  

Obsolete. Superseded by ICWMaterial::SetMaterialDataCurve3.

 MethodSetMaterialDataCurve3Sets the material data curve.  
 MethodSetPropertyByNameObsolete. Superseded by ICWMaterial::SetPropertyByName2.  
 MethodSetPropertyByName2Sets the value of the specified material property.  
 MethodSetReferencePlaneSets the name of the reference plane or reference axis used to specify material properties for orthotropic materials.  
 MethodSetStressStrainCurveSets the stress-strain curve data.  
 MethodSetTemperatureCurveForPropertySets the temperature curve data for the material property.  

See Also

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