| Name | Description |
 | ActivatePlot | Activates the specified plot. |
 | AddIsoClippingToPlot | Adds iso clipping to the specified result plot. |
 | CreateDeformedBody | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::CreateDeformedBody2. |
 | CreateDeformedBody2 | Saves the deformed shape that results from running a static or nonlinear study. |
 | CreatePlot | Creates the specified plot. |
 | CreateResultsEquationPlot | Creates a plot of the specified results equation. |
 | CreateStressHotSpotPlot | Creates a stress hot spot plot. |
 | DeletePlot | Deletes the specified plot. |
 | GetAccelerationComponentForAllStepsAtNode | Gets the acceleration for all solution steps at the specified node for the specified acceleration component. |
 | GetAccelerationForEntities | Gets the acceleration for the specified entities, solution step, and acceleration component. |
 | GetAverageStressesAtMidnodes | Gets whether to average stress at mid-nodes in this study. |
 | GetBeamForcesForEntities | Gets the force values for the specified force for the selected beams. |
 | GetBeamMinMaxStress | Gets the minimum and maximum elemental stresses for beams at the specified solution step. |
 | GetBeamRadius | Gets the radii of beams used to render the specified plot. |
 | GetBeamStressForEntities | Gets the stress values for the specified type of stress for the selected beams. |
 | GetBucklingLoadFactors | Gets the buckling load factors. |
 | GetConnectorForces | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetConnectorForces2. |
 | GetConnectorForces2 | Gets the x-, y-, and z-component and resultant forces, bending moments, and torques for the specified connector and step. |
 | GetConnectorForcesWithTimeValue | Gets the component and resultant forces, bending moments, and torques for the specified connector at the specified time. |
 | GetContactForcesAndFriction | Gets the specified contact or friction forces for the specified entities. |
 | GetDeformedBodyFailedSewOption | Gets the option to use when a deformed body fails to sew into a solid object. |
 | GetDeformedCoord | Gets nodal deform coordinates for the specified plot. |
 | GetDetectedHotSpotElements | Gets the stress hot spot elements. |
 | GetDetectedHotSpotNodes | Gets the stress hot spot nodes. |
 | GetDisplacementAtPoints | Gets the specified displacement component at the specified points for the specified solution step. |
 | GetDisplacementComponentForAllStepsAtNode | Gets the specified displacement component at the specified node for all solutions steps. |
 | GetDisplacementForEntities | Gets the specified displacement component for the specified entities at the specified solution step. |
 | GetEdgeWeldResults | Gets the edge weld results for the specified edge weld connector. |
 | GetEnvelopeAccelerationForEntities | Gets the specified envelope acceleration for the specified entities across all solution steps. |
 | GetEnvelopeDisplacementForEntities | Gets the specified envelope displacement for the specified entities across all solution steps. |
 | GetEnvelopeStrainForEntities | Gets the specified envelope strain for the specified entities across all solution steps. |
 | GetEnvelopeStressForEntities | Gets the specified envelope stress for the specified entities across all solution steps. |
 | GetEnvelopeVelocityForEntities | Gets the specified envelope velocity for the specified entities across all solution steps. |
 | GetFactorOfSafetyForComposites | Gets the range of stress or buckling factors of safety for the specified shell type, surface bodies, failure criteria, and other options. |
 | GetFatigueForEntities | Gets the specified fatigue component for the specified entities. |
 | GetFreeBodyForcesAndMoments | Gets the x-, y-, and z-component and resultant free body forces and moments for the specified entities and the entire model. |
 | GetFreeBodyForcesAndMomentsForAStep | Gets the x-, y-, and z-component and resultant free body forces and moments for the specified entities for the specified step. |
 | GetHeatPowerOrEnergy | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetHeatPowerOrEnergy2. |
 | GetHeatPowerOrEnergy2 | Gets the heat power or heat energy for the specified entities. |
 | GetLegendContourColors | Gets the contour colors based on user-input colors. |
 | GetLinearizedStressValues | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWPlot::GetLinearizedStressValuesAlongSCL. |
 | GetMassParticipation | Gets the mass participation factors in the X, Y, and Z directions for all modes. |
 | GetMaximumAvailableSteps | Gets the maximum solution step number for which results exist. |
 | GetMinMaxAcceleration | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified acceleration component and solution step. |
 | GetMinMaxDisplacement | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum displacement for the specified component and solution step. |
 | GetMinMaxDisplacementForHarmonic | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum displacement for the specified component and solution step of this harmonic study. |
 | GetMinMaxDisplacementRMS | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum displacement RMS values for the specified component of this random vibration study. |
 | GetMinMaxFactorOfSafety | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetMinMaxFactorOfSafety2. |
 | GetMinMaxFactorOfSafety2 | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum factors of safety (FOS) for non-composite shells. |
 | GetMinMaxFactorOfSafetyWithDetailSettings | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetMinMaxFactorOfSafetyWithDetailSettings2. |
 | GetMinMaxFactorOfSafetyWithDetailSettings2 | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum factors of safety (FOS) for non-composite shells and the specified detail settings. |
 | GetMinMaxFatigue | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified fatigue component. |
 | GetMinMaxResultsEquationValues | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum from the plot of the specified results equation. |
 | GetMinMaxStrain | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified strain component, element, and solution step. |
 | GetMinMaxStress | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified stress component, element, and solution step. |
 | GetMinMaxStressForHarmonic | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetMinMaxStressForHarmonic2. |
 | GetMinMaxStressForHarmonic2 | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified stress component and solution step of this harmonic study. |
 | GetMinMaxStressRMS | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum RMS values for the specified stress component and element of this random vibration study. |
 | GetMinMaxThermal | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified thermal component and solution step. |
 | GetMinMaxVelocity | Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified velocity component and solution step. |
 | GetPlot | Gets the specified results plot. |
 | GetPlotColorOptions | Gets the color options for the specified plot. |
 | GetPlotCount | Gets the number of plots in this study. |
 | GetPlotDefinition | Gets the definition of the specified plot. |
 | GetPlotDisplayOptions | Gets the display options for the specified plot. |
 | GetPlotNames | Gets the names of the plots for these results. |
 | GetPlotPositionFormatOptions | Gets the position format options for the specified plot. |
 | GetPlotSettings | Gets the settings for the specified plot. |
 | GetPlotSettingsOptionForHiddenAndExcludedBody | Gets hidden and excluded body options for the specified plot. |
 | GetReactionForcesAndMoments | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetReactionForcesAndMomentsWithSelections. |
 | GetReactionForcesAndMomentsWithSelections | Gets the reaction forces and moments for selections and the entire model at the specified solution step. |
 | GetRemoteForces | Gets the x-, y-, and z-component and resultant forces applied to selected entities as a result of transferring a remote load in static studies. |
 | GetResonantFrequencies | Gets the resonant frequency values. |
 | GetResultsEquationValuesForEntities | Gets the result values for the specified equation and selected entities. |
 | GetRotationalDisplacement | Gets the rotational displacements at the specified solution step. |
 | GetStrain | Gets the strain results for all nodes or elements at the specified solution step. |
 | GetStrainComponentForAllStepsAtNode | Gets the specified strain component at the specified node for all solution steps. |
 | GetStrainForEntities | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetStrainForEntities2. |
 | GetStrainForEntities2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetStrainForEntities3. |
 | GetStrainForEntities3 | Gets the specified strain component for the specified entities at the specified solution step. |
 | GetStress | Gets the stress results for all nodes or elements at the specified solution step. |
 | GetStressComponentForAllStepsAtNode | Gets the specified stress component at the specified node for all solution steps. |
 | GetStressForEntities | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetStressForEntities2. |
 | GetStressForEntities2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetStressForEntities3. |
 | GetStressForEntities3 | Gets the specified stress component for the specified entities at the specified solution step. |
 | GetStressTensorValuesForAllNodesOfElement | Gets the stress tensor values for all nodes of the specified mesh elements at the specified solution step. |
 | GetThermalComponentForAllStepsAtNode | Gets thermal values at the specified node for all solutions steps. |
 | GetThermalForEntities | Gets thermal values at the specified geometric entities. |
 | GetThermalValues | Gets thermal values for all nodes at the specified solution step. |
 | GetThermalValuesAtPoints | Gets thermal values at the specified solution step and the specified points. |
 | GetTimeOrFrequencyAtEachStep | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetTimeOrFrequencyAtEachStep2. |
 | GetTimeOrFrequencyAtEachStep2 | Gets the times or frequencies for all solution steps or mode shapes in these results. |
 | GetTranslationalDisplacement | Gets the translational displacements at the specified solution step. |
 | GetVelocityComponentForAllStepsAtNode | Gets the specified velocity component for all solution steps at the specified node. |
 | GetVelocityForEntities | Gets the specified velocity component for the specified entities and at the specified solution step. |
 | IGetPlotNames | Gets the names of the plots in this study. |
 | RunStressHotSpotDiagnostics | Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::RunStressHotSpotDiagnosticsAndDetectSingularities. |
 | RunStressHotSpotDiagnosticsAndDetectSingularities | Detects stress hot spots and singularities. |
 | SavePlotsAseDrawings | Saves the specified results plot as an eDrawings file with the specified name in the specified location. |
 | SetAverageStressesAtMidnodes | Sets whether to average stresses at mid-nodes for this study. |
 | SetDeformedBodyFailedSewOption | Sets the option to use when a deformed body fails to sew into a solid object. |
 | SetPlotColorOptions | Sets the color options for the specified plot. |
 | SetPlotDisplayOptions | Sets the display options for the specified plot. |
 | SetPlotPositionFormatOptions | Sets the position/format options for the specified plot. |
 | SetPlotSettings | Sets various settings for the specified plot. |
 | SetPlotSettingsOptionForHiddenAndExcludedBody | Sets hidden and excluded body options for the specified plot. |