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Expand ICosmosWorksICosmosWorks
Expand ICWBaseExcitationICWBaseExcitation
Expand ICWBeamBodyICWBeamBody
Expand ICWBeamManagerICWBeamManager
Expand ICWBearingConnectorICWBearingConnector
Expand ICWBearingLoadICWBearingLoad
Expand ICWBoltConnectorICWBoltConnector
Expand ICWBucklingStudyOptionsICWBucklingStudyOptions
Expand ICWCentriFugalForceICWCentriFugalForce
Expand ICWCompositeShellOptionsICWCompositeShellOptions
Expand ICWContactComponentICWContactComponent
Expand ICWContactManagerICWContactManager
Expand ICWContactSetICWContactSet
Expand ICWConvectionICWConvection
Expand ICWDampingOptionsICWDampingOptions
Expand ICWDistributedMassICWDistributedMass
Expand ICWDropTestResultOptionsICWDropTestResultOptions
Expand ICWDropTestSetupICWDropTestSetup
Expand ICWDropTestStudyOptionsICWDropTestStudyOptions
Expand ICWDynamicInitialConditionICWDynamicInitialCondition
Expand ICWDynamicStudyOptionsICWDynamicStudyOptions
Expand ICWEdgeWeldConnectorICWEdgeWeldConnector
Expand ICWElasticConnectorICWElasticConnector
Expand ICWFatigueEventICWFatigueEvent
Expand ICWFatigueStudyOptionsICWFatigueStudyOptions
Expand ICWForceICWForce
Expand ICWFrequencyStudyOptionsICWFrequencyStudyOptions
Expand ICWGravityICWGravity
Expand ICWHeatFluxICWHeatFlux
Expand ICWHeatPowerICWHeatPower
Expand ICWJointsICWJoints
Expand ICWLinkageRodICWLinkageRod
Expand ICWLinkConnectorICWLinkConnector
Expand ICWLoadCaseManagerICWLoadCaseManager
Expand ICWLoadsAndRestraintsICWLoadsAndRestraints
Expand ICWLoadsAndRestraintsManagerICWLoadsAndRestraintsManager
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Expand ICWMultipleContactSetsEditManagerICWMultipleContactSetsEditManager
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Expand ICWPinConnectorICWPinConnector
Expand ICWPlotICWPlot
Expand ICWPressureICWPressure
Expand ICWRadiationICWRadiation
Expand ICWRemoteLoadICWRemoteLoad
Expand ICWRestraintICWRestraint
Collapse ICWResultsICWResults
Expand ICWResultsProbeManagerICWResultsProbeManager
Expand ICWRigidConnectorICWRigidConnector
Expand ICWRunSpecStudiesRunMeshOptionsICWRunSpecStudiesRunMeshOptions
Expand ICWRunStudiesResultsICWRunStudiesResults
Expand ICWShellICWShell
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Expand ICWSolidBodyICWSolidBody
Expand ICWSolidComponentICWSolidComponent
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Expand ICWSpotWeldConnectorICWSpotWeldConnector
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ICWResults Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ICWResults.

Public Methods

 MethodActivatePlotActivates the specified plot.  
 MethodAddIsoClippingToPlotAdds iso clipping to the specified result plot.  
 MethodCreateDeformedBodyObsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::CreateDeformedBody2.  
 MethodCreateDeformedBody2Saves the deformed shape that results from running a static or nonlinear study.  
 MethodCreatePlotCreates the specified plot.  
 MethodCreateResultsEquationPlotCreates a plot of the specified results equation.  
 MethodCreateStressHotSpotPlotCreates a stress hot spot plot.  
 MethodDeletePlotDeletes the specified plot.  
 MethodGetAccelerationComponentForAllStepsAtNodeGets the acceleration for all solution steps at the specified node for the specified acceleration component.  
 MethodGetAccelerationForEntitiesGets the acceleration for the specified entities, solution step, and acceleration component.  
 MethodGetAverageStressesAtMidnodesGets whether to average stress at mid-nodes in this study.  
 MethodGetBeamForcesForEntitiesGets the force values for the specified force for the selected beams.  
 MethodGetBeamMinMaxStressGets the minimum and maximum elemental stresses for beams at the specified solution step.  
 MethodGetBeamRadiusGets the radii of beams used to render the specified plot.  
 MethodGetBeamStressForEntitiesGets the stress values for the specified type of stress for the selected beams.  
 MethodGetBucklingLoadFactorsGets the buckling load factors.  
 MethodGetConnectorForcesObsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetConnectorForces2.  
 MethodGetConnectorForces2Gets the x-, y-, and z-component and resultant forces, bending moments, and torques for the specified connector and step.  
 MethodGetConnectorForcesWithTimeValueGets the component and resultant forces, bending moments, and torques for the specified connector at the specified time.  
 MethodGetContactForcesAndFrictionGets the specified contact or friction forces for the specified entities.  
 MethodGetDeformedBodyFailedSewOptionGets the option to use when a deformed body fails to sew into a solid object.  
 MethodGetDeformedCoordGets nodal deform coordinates for the specified plot.  
 MethodGetDetectedHotSpotElementsGets the stress hot spot elements.  
 MethodGetDetectedHotSpotNodesGets the stress hot spot nodes.  
 MethodGetDisplacementAtPointsGets the specified displacement component at the specified points for the specified solution step.  
 MethodGetDisplacementComponentForAllStepsAtNodeGets the specified displacement component at the specified node for all solutions steps.  
 MethodGetDisplacementForEntitiesGets the specified displacement component for the specified entities at the specified solution step.  
 MethodGetEdgeWeldResultsGets the edge weld results for the specified edge weld connector.  
 MethodGetEnvelopeAccelerationForEntitiesGets the specified envelope acceleration for the specified entities across all solution steps.  
 MethodGetEnvelopeDisplacementForEntitiesGets the specified envelope displacement for the specified entities across all solution steps.  
 MethodGetEnvelopeStrainForEntitiesGets the specified envelope strain for the specified entities across all solution steps.  
 MethodGetEnvelopeStressForEntitiesGets the specified envelope stress for the specified entities across all solution steps.  
 MethodGetEnvelopeVelocityForEntitiesGets the specified envelope velocity for the specified entities across all solution steps.  
 MethodGetFactorOfSafetyForCompositesGets the range of stress or buckling factors of safety for the specified shell type, surface bodies, failure criteria, and other options.  
 MethodGetFatigueForEntitiesGets the specified fatigue component for the specified entities.  
 MethodGetFreeBodyForcesAndMomentsGets the x-, y-, and z-component and resultant free body forces and moments for the specified entities and the entire model.  
 MethodGetFreeBodyForcesAndMomentsForAStepGets the x-, y-, and z-component and resultant free body forces and moments for the specified entities for the specified step.  

Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetHeatPowerOrEnergy2.

 MethodGetHeatPowerOrEnergy2Gets the heat power or heat energy for the specified entities.  
 MethodGetLegendContourColorsGets the contour colors based on user-input colors.  
 MethodGetLinearizedStressValuesObsolete. Superseded by ICWPlot::GetLinearizedStressValuesAlongSCL.  
 MethodGetMassParticipationGets the mass participation factors in the X, Y, and Z directions for all modes.  
 MethodGetMaximumAvailableStepsGets the maximum solution step number for which results exist.  
 MethodGetMinMaxAccelerationGets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified acceleration component and solution step.  
 MethodGetMinMaxDisplacementGets the algebraic minimum and maximum displacement for the specified component and solution step.  
 MethodGetMinMaxDisplacementForHarmonicGets the algebraic minimum and maximum displacement for the specified component and solution step of this harmonic study.  
 MethodGetMinMaxDisplacementRMSGets the algebraic minimum and maximum displacement RMS values for the specified component of this random vibration study.  
 MethodGetMinMaxFactorOfSafetyObsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetMinMaxFactorOfSafety2.  
 MethodGetMinMaxFactorOfSafety2Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum factors of safety (FOS) for non-composite shells.  
 MethodGetMinMaxFactorOfSafetyWithDetailSettingsObsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetMinMaxFactorOfSafetyWithDetailSettings2.  
 MethodGetMinMaxFactorOfSafetyWithDetailSettings2Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum factors of safety (FOS) for non-composite shells and the specified detail settings.  
 MethodGetMinMaxFatigueGets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified fatigue component.  
 MethodGetMinMaxResultsEquationValuesGets the algebraic minimum and maximum from the plot of the specified results equation.  
 MethodGetMinMaxStrainGets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified strain component, element, and solution step.  
 MethodGetMinMaxStressGets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified stress component, element, and solution step.  

Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetMinMaxStressForHarmonic2.

 MethodGetMinMaxStressForHarmonic2Gets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified stress component and solution step of this harmonic study.  
 MethodGetMinMaxStressRMSGets the algebraic minimum and maximum RMS values for the specified stress component and element of this random vibration study.  
 MethodGetMinMaxThermalGets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified thermal component and solution step.  
 MethodGetMinMaxVelocityGets the algebraic minimum and maximum for the specified velocity component and solution step.  
 MethodGetPlotGets the specified results plot.  
 MethodGetPlotColorOptionsGets the color options for the specified plot.  
 MethodGetPlotCountGets the number of plots in this study.  
 MethodGetPlotDefinitionGets the definition of the specified plot.  
 MethodGetPlotDisplayOptionsGets the display options for the specified plot.  
 MethodGetPlotNamesGets the names of the plots for these results.  
 MethodGetPlotPositionFormatOptionsGets the position format options for the specified plot.  
 MethodGetPlotSettingsGets the settings for the specified plot.  
 MethodGetPlotSettingsOptionForHiddenAndExcludedBodyGets hidden and excluded body options for the specified plot.  
 MethodGetReactionForcesAndMomentsObsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetReactionForcesAndMomentsWithSelections.  
 MethodGetReactionForcesAndMomentsWithSelectionsGets the reaction forces and moments for selections and the entire model at the specified solution step.  
 MethodGetRemoteForcesGets the x-, y-, and z-component and resultant forces applied to selected entities as a result of transferring a remote load in static studies.  
 MethodGetResonantFrequenciesGets the resonant frequency values.  
 MethodGetResultsEquationValuesForEntitiesGets the result values for the specified equation and selected entities.  
 MethodGetRotationalDisplacementGets the rotational displacements at the specified solution step.  
 MethodGetStrainGets the strain results for all nodes or elements at the specified solution step.  
 MethodGetStrainComponentForAllStepsAtNodeGets the specified strain component at the specified node for all solution steps.  
 MethodGetStrainForEntitiesObsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetStrainForEntities2.  
 MethodGetStrainForEntities2Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetStrainForEntities3.  
 MethodGetStrainForEntities3Gets the specified strain component for the specified entities at the specified solution step.  
 MethodGetStressGets the stress results for all nodes or elements at the specified solution step.  
 MethodGetStressComponentForAllStepsAtNodeGets the specified stress component at the specified node for all solution steps.  
 MethodGetStressForEntitiesObsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetStressForEntities2.  
 MethodGetStressForEntities2Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetStressForEntities3.  
 MethodGetStressForEntities3Gets the specified stress component for the specified entities at the specified solution step.  
 MethodGetStressTensorValuesForAllNodesOfElementGets the stress tensor values for all nodes of the specified mesh elements at the specified solution step.  
 MethodGetThermalComponentForAllStepsAtNodeGets thermal values at the specified node for all solutions steps.  
 MethodGetThermalForEntitiesGets thermal values at the specified geometric entities.  
 MethodGetThermalValuesGets thermal values for all nodes at the specified solution step.  
 MethodGetThermalValuesAtPointsGets thermal values at the specified solution step and the specified points.  

Obsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::GetTimeOrFrequencyAtEachStep2.

 MethodGetTimeOrFrequencyAtEachStep2Gets the times or frequencies for all solution steps or mode shapes in these results.  
 MethodGetTranslationalDisplacementGets the translational displacements at the specified solution step.  
 MethodGetVelocityComponentForAllStepsAtNodeGets the specified velocity component for all solution steps at the specified node.  
 MethodGetVelocityForEntitiesGets the specified velocity component for the specified entities and at the specified solution step.  
 MethodIGetPlotNamesGets the names of the plots in this study.  
 MethodRunStressHotSpotDiagnosticsObsolete. Superseded by ICWResults::RunStressHotSpotDiagnosticsAndDetectSingularities.  
 MethodRunStressHotSpotDiagnosticsAndDetectSingularitiesDetects stress hot spots and singularities.  
 MethodSavePlotsAseDrawingsSaves the specified results plot as an eDrawings file with the specified name in the specified location.  
 MethodSetAverageStressesAtMidnodesSets whether to average stresses at mid-nodes for this study.  
 MethodSetDeformedBodyFailedSewOptionSets the option to use when a deformed body fails to sew into a solid object.  
 MethodSetPlotColorOptionsSets the color options for the specified plot.  
 MethodSetPlotDisplayOptionsSets the display options for the specified plot.  
 MethodSetPlotPositionFormatOptionsSets the position/format options for the specified plot.  
 MethodSetPlotSettingsSets various settings for the specified plot.  
 MethodSetPlotSettingsOptionForHiddenAndExcludedBodySets hidden and excluded body options for the specified plot.  

See Also

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