Get PMI Data Example (C#)
This example shows how to get Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) from a Step 242 file.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Preconditions:
// 1. Open a Step 242 file that contains PMI annotations.
// 2. Open an Immediate window.
// 3. Add breakpoints as needed and press F10 to walk through the macro.
// Postconditions:
// Inspect the Immediate window for PMI annotations, if available.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace GetPMIData_CSharp
partial class SolidWorksMacro
private ModelDoc2 swModel;
private ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt;
private Annotation swAnnotation;
private PMIDatumData swPMIDatumData;
private PMIDatumFeature swPMIDatumFeature;
private PMIDatumTarget swPMIDatumTarget;
private PMIDimensionData swPMIDataDim;
private PMIDimensionItem swPMIDataDimItem;
private PMIGtolData swPMIDataGtol;
private PMIGtolBoxData swPMIGtolBoxData;
private PMIFrameData swPMIFrameData;
private PMIGtolFrameDatum swPMIGtolFrameDatum;
private int IAnnoPMIType;
private int iAnnoCnt;
private object[] arrAnnotation;
private int i;
private int j;
private int k;
private int l;
private int IAnnoType;
public void Main()
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension;
iAnnoCnt = swModelDocExt.GetAnnotationCount();
if (iAnnoCnt > 0)
arrAnnotation = (object[])swModelDocExt.GetAnnotations();
for (i = 0; i <= arrAnnotation.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
swAnnotation = (Annotation)arrAnnotation[i];
IAnnoType = swAnnotation.GetType();
IAnnoPMIType = swAnnotation.GetPMIType();
switch (IAnnoType)
case 1:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Thread");
case 2:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Datum Tag " + swAnnotation.GetName());
if (IAnnoPMIType == 2)
swPMIDatumData = (PMIDatumData)swAnnotation.GetPMIData();
Debug.Print("PMI datum data");
if (swPMIDatumData.GetDatumType() == (int)swPMIDatumType_e.swPMIDatumType_DatumFeature)
// Get IPMIDatumFeature
swPMIDatumFeature = (PMIDatumFeature)swPMIDatumData.GetDatumFeature();
Debug.Print(" Datum feature");
Debug.Print(" Label: " + swPMIDatumFeature.Label);
Debug.Print(" Leader anchor style as defined in swPMIDatumAnchorStyle_e: " + swPMIDatumFeature.LeaderAnchorStyle);
Debug.Print(" Leader bend length: " + swPMIDatumFeature.LeaderBendLength);
Debug.Print(" Datum shape as defined in swPMIDatumShape_e: " + swPMIDatumFeature.Shape);
Debug.Print(" Datum text: " + swPMIDatumFeature.Text);
if (swPMIDatumData.GetDatumType() == (int)swPMIDatumType_e.swPMIDatumType_DatumTarget)
// Get IPMIDatumTarget
swPMIDatumTarget = (PMIDatumTarget)swPMIDatumData.GetDatumTarget();
Debug.Print(" Datum target");
Debug.Print(" Area style as defined in swPMIDatumTargetAreaStyle_e: " + swPMIDatumTarget.AreaStyle);
Debug.Print(" Diameter: " + swPMIDatumTarget.Diameter);
Debug.Print(" Height: " + swPMIDatumTarget.Height);
Debug.Print(" Movable style as defined in swPMIDatumTargetMovableStyle_e: " + swPMIDatumTarget.MovableStyle);
Debug.Print(" Symbol style as defined in swPMIDatumTargetSymbolStyle_e: " + swPMIDatumTarget.SymbolStyle);
Debug.Print(" Width: " + swPMIDatumTarget.Width);
else if (IAnnoPMIType == 0)
if (swPMIDatumData == null)
Debug.Print(" No PMI data");
Debug.Print(" PMIDatumData object returned In Error");
Debug.Print(" Wrong PMI data type");
case 3:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Datum Target Symbol");
case 4:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Display Dimension " + swAnnotation.GetName());
if (IAnnoPMIType == 1)
swPMIDataDim = (PMIDimensionData)swAnnotation.GetPMIData();
if (swPMIDataDim != null)
for (k = 0; k <= swPMIDataDim.GetDimensionItemCount() - 1; k++)
swPMIDataDimItem = (PMIDimensionItem)swPMIDataDim.GetDimensionItemAtIndex(k);
Debug.Print(" Dimension item " + k);
Debug.Print(" Text: " + swPMIDataDim.DimensionText);
Debug.Print(" Instance count: " + swPMIDataDimItem.InstanceCount);
Debug.Print(" Tolerance type as defined in swTolType_e: " + swPMIDataDimItem.TolType);
Debug.Print(" Value: " + swPMIDataDimItem.Value);
Debug.Print(" Value precision: " + swPMIDataDimItem.ValuePrecision);
Debug.Print(" Units: " + swPMIDataDimItem.Unit);
Debug.Print(" Minimum tolerance: " + swPMIDataDimItem.MinVariation);
Debug.Print(" Maximum tolerance: " + swPMIDataDimItem.MaxVariation);
Debug.Print(" Tolerance precision: " + swPMIDataDimItem.TolerancePrecision);
Debug.Print(" Symbol as defined in swDimensionSymbol_e: " + swPMIDataDimItem.Symbol);
Debug.Print(" Additional symbol as defined in swToleranceZoneModifier_e: " + swPMIDataDimItem.AdditionalSymbol);
Debug.Print(" Prefix: " + swPMIDataDimItem.Prefix);
Debug.Print(" Suffix: " + swPMIDataDimItem.Suffix);
Debug.Print(" Callout: " + swPMIDataDimItem.CalloutText);
else if ((IAnnoPMIType == 0))
if (swPMIDataDim == null)
Debug.Print(" No PMI data");
Debug.Print(" PMIDimensionData object returned in error");
Debug.Print(" Wrong PMI data type");
case 5:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Gtol " + swAnnotation.GetName());
if (IAnnoPMIType == 3)
swPMIDataGtol = (PMIGtolData)swAnnotation.GetPMIData();
if (swPMIDataGtol != null)
Debug.Print(" Is composite? " + swPMIDataGtol.IsComposite());
Debug.Print(" Text: " + swPMIDataGtol.GetText());
Debug.Print(" Text below frames: " + swPMIDataGtol.GetTextBelowFrames());
Debug.Print(" Instance count: " + swPMIDataGtol.InstanceCount);
Debug.Print(" Leader location as defined in swPMILeaderLocation_e: " + swPMIDataGtol.LeaderLocation);
Debug.Print(" Leader modifier as defined in swPMILeaderModifier_e: " + swPMIDataGtol.LeaderModifier);
Debug.Print(" Leader style as defined in swPMILeaderStyle_e: " + swPMIDataGtol.LeaderStyle);
Debug.Print(" Leader type as defined in swPMILeaderType_e: " + swPMIDataGtol.LeaderType);
int iFrameCount;
iFrameCount = swPMIDataGtol.GetFrameCount();
Debug.Print(" Frame count is " + iFrameCount);
if (iFrameCount == 0)
Debug.Print("Gtol frame count is zero - API error");
for (j = 0; j <= swPMIDataGtol.GetFrameCount() - 1; j++)
swPMIFrameData = (PMIFrameData)swPMIDataGtol.GetFrameAtIndex(j);
if (swPMIFrameData != null)
Debug.Print(" Gtol frame " + j + " data");
Debug.Print(" Geometric characteristic as defined in swGeometricCharacteristic_e: " + swPMIFrameData.GeometricCharacteristic);
Debug.Print(" Frame number: " + swPMIFrameData.FrameNumber);
// Get IPMIGtolBoxData
for (k = 0; k <= swPMIFrameData.GetGtolBoxCount() - 1; k++)
swPMIGtolBoxData = (PMIGtolBoxData)swPMIFrameData.GetGtolBoxAtIndex(k);
Debug.Print(" Gtol box " + k);
Debug.Print(" Material modifier as defined in swMaterialModifier_e: " + swPMIGtolBoxData.MaterialModifier);
Debug.Print(" Tolerance: " + swPMIGtolBoxData.TolValue);
Debug.Print(" Units as defined in swPMIUnit_e: " + swPMIGtolBoxData.Unit);
Debug.Print(" Tolerance zone modifier as defined in swToleranceZoneModifier_e: " + swPMIGtolBoxData.ToleranceZoneModifier);
Debug.Print(" Tolerance per unit area type as defined in swPMITolPerUnitAreaType_e: " + swPMIGtolBoxData.TolerancePerUnitType);
Debug.Print(" Tolerance 1 per unit area value: " + swPMIGtolBoxData.TolerancePerUnitValue1);
Debug.Print(" Tolerance 2 per unit area value: " + swPMIGtolBoxData.TolerancePerUnitValue2);
// Get IPMIGtolFrameDatum
for (l = 0; l <= swPMIFrameData.GetGtolDatumCount() - 1; l++)
swPMIGtolFrameDatum = (PMIGtolFrameDatum)swPMIFrameData.GetGtolDatumAtIndex(l);
Debug.Print(" Gtol frame datum " + l);
Debug.Print(" Datum: " + swPMIGtolFrameDatum.Datum);
Debug.Print(" Material modifier as defined in swMaterialModifier_e: " + swPMIGtolFrameDatum.DatumModifier);
Debug.Print(" Material modifier value if present: " + swPMIGtolFrameDatum.DatumModifierValue);
Debug.Print(" First linked datum: " + swPMIGtolFrameDatum.DatumLinked1);
Debug.Print(" Material modifier of first linked datum as defined in swMaterialModifier_e: " + swPMIGtolFrameDatum.DatumLinkedModifier1);
Debug.Print(" Value, if present, of material modifier of first linked datum: " + swPMIGtolFrameDatum.DatumLinkedModifierValue1);
Debug.Print(" Second linked datum: " + swPMIGtolFrameDatum.DatumLinked2);
Debug.Print(" Material modifier of second linked datum as defined in swMaterialModifier_e: " + swPMIGtolFrameDatum.DatumLinkedModifier2);
Debug.Print(" Value, if present, of material modifier of second linked datum: " + swPMIGtolFrameDatum.DatumLinkedModifierValue2);
Debug.Print("Gtol frame retrieval error");
else if (IAnnoPMIType == 0)
if (swPMIDataGtol == null)
Debug.Print(" No PMI data");
Debug.Print(" PMIGtolData object returned in error");
Debug.Print(" Wrong PMI data type");
case 6:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Note");
case 7:
Debug.Print("Annotation: SF Symbol");
case 8:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Weld Symbol");
case 9:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Custom Symbol");
case 10:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Dowel Symbol");
case 11:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Leader");
case 12:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Block");
case 13:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Centermark symbol");
case 14:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Table");
case 15:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Centerline");
case 16:
Debug.Print("Annotation: Datum Origin");
/// <summary>
/// ''' The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
/// ''' </summary>
public SldWorks swApp;